God damnit guys, alienware isnt the best and looks have nothing to do with performance >.>. When you customize a desktop on their website thye squeeze every last cent out of you. I have a very kick ass computer that i customized myself and bought the stuff from MUCH CHEAPER. MUCH BETTER. DO THAT.

A'ight. chill, homie. Some of us live in the UNITED KINGDOM where we earn and use the POUND. Alienware has a site for the UNITED KINGDOM where we pay in POUNDS, not DOLLARS.
Also it's not bloody cheaper!
I took this from the website.

Mail in rebates here are scams
Reviewed By: Spike on 6/20/2008 Tech Level: high - Ownership: 1 week to 1 month
This user purchased this item from
Pros: The card is exellent. Better than the 9600GT I had.
Cons: Nothing wrong with the product other than Newegg and EVGA's stupid rebate system. I bought the product and waited about a week for it to arrive. By the time it arrived, the rebate form I needed was already off of the website and a new promotion was going on, even though it was for the same amount of money. I tried to fill in the new application anyways and EVGA refused to honor my rebate request. Don't buy into this rebate bull. The price before mail in rebate is the price you are going to pay, period. Beware, its a scam to trick you into buying it because its ""cheaper"".
Last edited by Boyninja; Jul 25, 2008 at 11:54 PM.
actually it is cheaper to custom build the computer, with exactly the same specs that you get from alienware, why is it cheaper? cuz its not all fancy brand shit, which is why custom building is fun cuz you can build your pc however you want without a big say, del sign on everything
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
I would NEVER buy alienware. I build my own PC's, plus, alienware is over priced. You won't get much for the money.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Some of us can't build our own PC's, and have to rely on others.
Also, Alienware is the only site I've seen that is specifically for the UK as well as the US.
I am building a new pc right now... although the most important component is the one i havent recieved yet... I WANT MY CPU!!!

I would want an alienware mainly because they got cool cases...
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
lol...I think I have a shell to my computor from alienware :P came with it when I bought the computor from a guy on my dads work.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
to those people who cant build their own computer: just get a pc store to build it for you, select the parts yourself tho, its like 50 bucks extra as far as I know
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
when i got my 1st job 4 years ago i spent 12 months saving and spending my monies, when i got to $1300 i bought my computer which im still using my webcam isnt the best but it does the job it was 20$ more then 4 years ago, i dont have a PC wheel but i have drivers for xbox 360 controllers so i use that instead i reacon there kinda a waste of monie, the cake is a lie and you will never see it EVA!!, as for saving that is a brilliant idea like if there is a car u want or a place u want to go start b4 u spend it otherwise ull b up shits creek without a paddle
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord