Age doesn't really matter, maturity does. And how they analyze and observe what's going on, and their decisions and solutions for the problems. Where as the staff seems to be quite mature and hard working.
Atleast, most of them.
If you think a moderator's treating you unfairly or whatnot, there's a subforum called "report about the staff" "Or "Complain about staff" or something, post it there.
If you really observe or go through their works/Past-works, you do notice it.
But you know.
There was a phrase for this but I quite forgot: If you want to be respected by someone, you have to respect them yourselves.

Use that in this logic, If you're a douche, the staff will treat you as how they seem to be punishment fit for you, or whatsoever.

But Redun's got a point. This is good as a moderator board you'll ever get for free.
Most of the current staff is mature, they basically react more proper and mature to serious problems. They might not always be their to support you the way you want, but hey at least they try to help you. When I was staff, I supported people they way their personality was. The reason of this is because maybe if I act the way they were, they would understand me better. Most staff have trouble explaining a solution for most occurrences. The people who need support should also have courtesy for the staff member that is helping, because that member could have real life issues going on that effect their personality.
I'm back :)
Personal issues. Right. So is Chozo on 24/7 PMS. Or does his dog get hit by a car every week? But really age plays a large roll you can't expect a 16 year old kid to deal with a situation like 24 year old. Assuming you hire people with any experience being a leader or supervisor. But from what I see there is a handful of good, level headed, fair staff(even you redundant). Then there is the permanent power trip staff who have some superiority issues(probably because being a mod/gm/admin is the highlight of their life, right hanzo?)
Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
Personal issues. Right. So is Chozo on 24/7 PMS. Or does his dog get hit by a car every week? But really age plays a large roll you can't expect a 16 year old kid to deal with a situation like 24 year old. Assuming you hire people with any experience being a leader or supervisor. But from what I see there is a handful of good, level headed, fair staff(even you redundant). Then there is the permanent power trip staff who have some superiority issues(probably because being a mod/gm/admin is the highlight of their life, right hanzo?)

One of the all-time best guys in toribash was Fyerrblad who was like 11 or something. It's not the age.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
No doubte he was a good guy. But do you think an 11 year old can assess, support, and resolve problems with the same level of professionalism and respect that someone older could. The other point of experience, I know TBash has slim pickings for people who know what they're doing. But even past specific experience I feel like most of them have never managed anything but doing homework and taking out the trash. Let alone other people. No training mixed with no experience is a dangerous combination for someone in a position of power.
Originally Posted by Jakeway View Post
No doubte he was a good guy. But do you think an 11 year old can assess, support, and resolve problems with the same level of professionalism and respect that someone older could.

He was the best support slave I've ever had. Age =/= capability. That's just some bullshit that kids come out with.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Right Skul. Maturity level is high here. First post in the thread implying people are kids. I thought I was on Toribash forums not CoD. Pretty sure it's a fact younger children don't have the same capacity to solve problems as adults. Not to mention his experience with dealing on a professional level with other people was probably subpar. If you gave an 11 year old any real power you confirmed everything I said earlier anyway.