Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My dream was always wanting to get into the default replays since day one of my toribash career, but it seems people didn't look hard enough and just chose replays of people who were popular with the community. And I've pretty much lost all credit as being a replay maker if you see the stuff I make now.

These scouters need to look around more, and dig deep because I know many replay makers that have been default worthy for a while but are being overshadowed by the more famous players if you will.

And its sad to see many of them are leaving without getting the recognition that they rightfully deserve.
Last edited by MrJingles; Aug 21, 2013 at 01:19 AM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Finally, change!

This is quite big if you think about it. When (if?) Toribash goes on Steam this will affect thousands of new players.
Make sure to pick many new replays though, from a large variety of diffrent replaymakers.
I remember watching all of the default replays several times the day I got Toribash. I wished there were more.
Diversity behind the replays added.

Like I wouldn't mind seeing some of the record book replays getting in there, if only just to show some of the limits that were pushed with this game, and to hopefully inspire some people to break them. A couple years ago it had a spike of activity and competition between players; now it feels like one record gets contested, not necessarily broken, every year at best.

ALSO, LET'S NOT FORGET THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS PLAY MULTIPLAYER, NOT SINGLEPLAYER. I understand how using the default replays to show off some really good looking sets can be beneficial, so why not just kill two birds with one stone by getting multiplayer replays from the people who were chosen for having good sets? It doesn't need as many replays to showcase more sets, and it also can show some example games of some of the game modes. The lack of tk replays that made it into the default replays always surprised me, considering they can be some of the most impressive mp games.

The default replays are technically not finite in size, in theory you could make them as large as you want, but it does make sense to create a level of prestige to get into them, so there's an imaginary cap on the size of the default replay folder. That being said, not everybody can earn their way to fame through singleplayer, so it feels a bit egocentric to demand that it consists of only good singleplayer replays. A good multiplayer replay, not even necessarily a spar, can still be default replay worthy.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
of course. i didn't address that because i can't mp for shit, but mp replays have as much priority imo. leyz's batshit insane replay is a great example, as it's one of the best replays in the default folder.

regarding the set thingy, the only way i see that working is that if you had something completely different, like a wardrobe for your sets. there it would be fine to showcase some amazing sets as a preview, but the replay folders is for great replays, both sp and mp, not great sets.
oh yeah
5 points + for pusga.
The only guy who had the balls to make this thread... when we all thought the same thing.
Hey I have one in stock replays but I had to win a damn nabi comp.
And when I see all this new shit in stock replays it makes my effort worthless. The fact that any kiss ass can get in with some crapy replays.

Who ever is in charge of the stock replays doesnt know much about replay making. Or at least how the replay making community has evolved. Or (if he is a replay maker.. ego and ass full of lip prints)
[ORMO] [OLDA] [The Team] [The JHX Experience]
Good day Dr. Freud
^Well don't we all? haha

also they should host another one of those nabi replay competitions, it would get everyone in the spirits of replay making, and allow some of the more unknown guys to strut their stuff.


and you know, with all the new incoming steam noobies we should have something to blow their socks off right as they open their tb amirite?
Last edited by MrJingles; Sep 1, 2013 at 05:57 AM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
A Nabi-sponsored replay comp would be fun to see again. Though in retrospect, it always bugged me how the first rounds of the comp always had some stupid goal that was in no way appropriate for an early round, like realism or skeet shots.

It seems to make more sense if the first rounds stressed the basics, stylish decaps and splits and whatnots, and later rounds went into niche replays, like the aforementioned realism and skeet shots, while the final round would involve multiple replays of the basics and two very different niches. So as to prevent a skewed round, let's say shook and Oblivion get into the finals and the final task is only a realistic spar (no offense to shook, but we all know who would win that one :s); it makes more sense if it were final tasks of basics, realism, and destruction. After all, you probably already made replays that fit all three of these criteria at some point to get to the finals, so it would only make sense that you prove that you're at least the best at 2 out of 3 of them.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games