Original Post
[rb] Mafia :: Game 3
The sun was rising when one of the citizens discovered drawings on the main square.
Just in some hours the whole town was crowding around strange red pictures, trying to get an idea of what could they mean.

Three symbols, all three written in blood.


This time the game is harder for everyone.
Mafia isn't invulnerable at night anymore.
Citizens are now even under bigger threat.
There are three groups of players. Who will win?

Last edited by sir; Jul 22, 2013 at 01:38 PM.
[rb] Mafia :: Day 2
Dark is the night.

Many things happened during this first night. Much more than it did at day.

A dark figure was heading towards the small house. It was probably the smallest building in the town, it was hard to believe that someone could live in it.
The Godfather was keeping his hand on the gun to kill his victim at first sight. It's too early to make long speeches, a first citizen to get killed isn't worth it.
He reached the door of Orko's house and knocked on the door.

At this very moment the Courtesan's hand softly touched his shoulder. A quiet voice stopped him:
- Leave this poor guy alone, my dear.

The Godfather didn't even understand why he listened to her. She grabbed his arm and they two went away into darkess.


When Orko opened the door there was nobody outside.
He sighed with relief and whispered:
- No, I shouldn't die in the first night. I have too much stuff to do in this city.

He closed the door and turned around.

Insane eyes were looking at him.

- You sure? - The person said and nickered.


This night the city lost the Orko, the Doctor.
He was found in his own house. Partially.

Day two started.
Good morning! I'm disappointed Edits' shot-in-the-dark ended up killing one of us citizens. Let's poke Edits to vote again! If he misses, we'll have suspicion to think he's mafia.
4yk, 4yk, eto 4to? - eto Scam4ik!
First off, its EdiTz not Edits ;)

Second, Who said that you guys had to follow me when I said it was a random selection.

Third, I would vote for you for pointing fingers so quick but I have something in mind.

So my vote will go to Natejas

Btw we are lucky we only lost one person ,sadly it was the doctor (R.I.P. Orko), but it could've been worst and we could've lost 2 people.
Last edited by EdiTz; Jul 23, 2013 at 04:21 PM.
Have Fun | Enjoy Life | Stay cool
We've lost 2 people. One of them via voting following your lead.

I follow EdiTz and vote for Natejas then
4yk, 4yk, eto 4to? - eto Scam4ik!
My vote goes for Snow.
After doing a little bit of research, i'm changing my vote to Natejas.
Changing back to Snow cause he's really trying to defend himself.
Last edited by Uncle; Jul 23, 2013 at 06:53 PM.
Wow, guys, if someone voted for one people why you just voting same?
I think that uncle - mafia. Why he didn't voted forNatejas? Because they both are mafia. And Uncle don't want to lose one of mafia and he just voted for random person.

Uncle and Natejas
Last edited by Snow; Jul 23, 2013 at 05:27 PM.
I vote Natejas. Because the working counter vote started by Uncle may actually mean that Natejas and Uncle are same bad guys team (whether it's villains or mafia)

I think that would make the most sense as of now, join up voting with me, eh?
Last edited by JSnuffMARS; Jul 23, 2013 at 05:12 PM.
Hmmm... Natejas... Okay. Lets vote for natejas. Tommorow, if we will kill natejas and he will be the mafia, my vote will go to Uncle