I've never been more than an "average" player and I have at periods where I kind of stray away from Toribash for months at a time. So though I usually get better and better I leave for a month and lose most of what I had obtained skill wise.
So, I randomly saw this a while ago and instantly recognised myself, not just in art, but everything Else aswell. Incidentally, I got it explained by a private teacher just a few weeks later.
But watch the video and you'll see what I mean.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Im not an old player and i gusse im always improving.I wauld with unbeatable players to improve.u'll beat them eventualy,and i guesse u understimate new players and u don't do your best hen end up losing the best thing about toribash to me white belt cam beat god belt not likebother games.