Age - 15

Gender - Male

Favorite Pokemon - Ditto (Because it can be anything ;o)

Why you want to join - Pokemon was like the only video game i played while growing up and i think a pokemon org is a good idea.

If you had to tap dance with any pokemon and why - Gardevoir, because they aren't very fierce or anything and they move flowingly so nothing that bad could happen whilst doing it :o

Mankey or Pidgey - Pidgey (I hope i did this right )

I don't write poems ~.~

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Favorite Pokemon: Eevee (named Maxx)

Why You Want to Join: I'm a pokemon master. I've reached as high as a 2300 ELO in PS! within the UU metagame, and I'm going to be the very best that ever was to beat all the rest... yeah that's my cause.

If you had to tap dance with any pokemon, which would you choose and why?

I would tap dance with Cubone to cheer him up about his dead mother, and because I don't want to accidentally hurt a smaller pokemon.

Mankey or Pidgey: Mankey. Let's you choose the rarer fire type pokemon earlier off in the game whilst have type coverage against rock type. Not to mention my prime ape will ruin any Hitmon's day.


Let it be,
That my dear Celebi,
Guardian of the forest and ever green tree,
Cleansing nature from oak to sea,
Can perform it's deepest cleansing within me.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Nice Hax, lol.
Pixel is the most dedicated person other than you i have ever seen, and let me tell ya... Pixel goes hardcore spam streaks to get his Todile to unimaginable ranks.

If yall dont mind though... post a screen shot or picture of your roster... i just updated the app now so dont worry.

Nice app to master but the poem is manditory.
I ultimately play simulators. I like more to plan strategy and be the better player than just who can grind more.


Life Orb Zapdos (Thunderbolt/Roost/Heat Wave/ Hidden Power: Grass)
Focus Sash Azelf (Psyshock/Taunt/Stealth Rocks/ Thunderbolt) ≤- suicide lead
Life Orb Kingdra (Surf/Hydro Pump/ Dragon Pulse / Draco Meteor)
Choice Scarf Chandelure (Shadow Ball / Fire Blast / Hidden Power Ice / Flamethrower)
Black Sludge Venomoth (Quiver Dance / Bug Buzz / Baton Pass / Sleep Powder)
Life Orb Nidoqueen (Focus Blast / Fire Blast / Thundershock / Earth Power)

Azelf dies setting up SR, Kingdra and Chandelure's only job is to get rid of any phazers, Venomoth sets up the buffs, and then passes them either to Nidoqueen or Zapdos to sweep the game.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Fine, um. I'll write one about Arceus.

Many types you may be,
I have a feeling we are meant to be.
Dragon, Fire, Ghost and more,
You seem to be, type galore.

i sux >.>

Originally Posted by Ocean View Post
good enough master.. your both in,

Hax what website do you play on?

Pokemon Showdown .com

It's pretty awesome. It's a battle simulator for any tier list, with appropriate things banned. Lotta fun, I've dueled a lot of GMs, smods, ishi, etc in it before.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Favorite Pokemon: Slowbro, I have used one since I first got the original Red. And Have used it competetivly all the way up to now using a 3ds and the fancy pokemon x version.

Why You Want to Join: I have been a pokemon player since the start, and have been battling competative since I had diamond version. I Breed to shit with iv's ev's and shiny hunting. (Just got a perfect 6iv and shiny growlithe a few days ago, get jelly)

If you had to tap dance with any pokemon, which would you choose and why?

Porigon Z. That guy seems like he would have some kinky moves.

Mankey or Pidgey: Mankey. Pidgey, when iv bred and ev trained the almighty idgey can carry a competitive team in locked kills.


Don't cloe your eyes
Darkrai can see between your thighs
Run before darkvoid pursues whats mine
Don't let him see whats really inside.

I cant poem but darkrai is one bad mf

On a side note. ALL HAIL ARCEUS!! OUR GOD