I can see the "You're better, let me show you my tactics" point, although with my patience and lack of interests when it comes to competetive mp games i really really do not feel like it's worth it.

But when I'm the one who stomp the shit out of people, well, I do have the time of my life.

Singleplayer games, more my thing.
Or just coop.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
"You're better, let me show you my tactics"

Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
if the enemy is truly so good that he just stompīs u without problems, then just find a way to play him out.

When playing fair gets you killed being a sneaky, conniving, backstabbing asshole to the guy is always the way to go (for me, anyway). And it's fun too.
Tactics! :P
Personally, I myself am an ASSFAGGOTS(Aeon of Strike Styled fortress assault game going on two sides) Player. I.E Warcraft 3 dota / DotA2.

What I find really fun about this genre of gaming, is the fact that every game, while the map is the same, feels different. Some can be easy, some can be hard, some just laid-back and chilled.

But it's not the difficulty factor that brings me in, else I would just play games with artificial difficulty - I.E. Dark Souls.
It's the feeling you get playing the game. You are caught up in the game, giving all you can give, knowing that when you win those hard games, you get a sense of euphoria from it.

That's what I need in a game, something that brings you back, rewards you for winning.
I don't like the way a lot of games are going at the minute though, Pay for in-game items that give stats (I.E. Free to play MMO's). Then your euphoria just comes from your wallet.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
But it's not the difficulty factor that brings me in, else I would just play games with artificial difficulty - I.E. Dark Souls.

Wat. I hope when you say "artificial difficulty" you mean "fighting against difficult opponents who are computer controlled" rather than Fake Difficulty.

Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
I don't like the way a lot of games are going at the minute though, Pay for in-game items that give stats (I.E. Free to play MMO's). Then your euphoria just comes from your wallet.

Damned micro-transactions. I don't mind so much when the game uses a system similar to League of Legends - all items purchasable with real cash are purely cosmetic, and everything else important (like the Champions) can be bought with in-game credits - but its when buying virtual currency allows you to be stronger than everyone else that it feels like bullshit.
Pay-2-Win as it's known.

And don't even get me started on micro-transactions in singleplayer games that aren't free to begin with. I'm looking at you, recent EA games!
Originally Posted by 4zb41 View Post
And don't even get me started on micro-transactions in singleplayer games that aren't free to begin with. I'm looking at you, recent EA games!

I'll just seconed that.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert