Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Let me sum it up:
I said why the fuck did you change the topic to something un-clan related. And you just got mad and made a big scene.
And then I apologised to you, to prevent a figth. I also admitted that I have done something wrong. But you kept going and going on about how I treated you like dirt and disrespected you etc. You also didn't accept my apology.
Finally I got really pissed off and said that you acted like an immature kid. Afterwards I said that I hate immature people (thats what I meant by kids). Everybody is human right? Humans can get mad and humans can make mistakes. I completely agree that I have been a racist bitch at this part.
But all these wouldn't have happened if you didn't make a big deal about me questioning you.
Also you could have accepted my apology and end it right there but you chose to make a scene and act like a drama queen...

At least I apologised and admitted that I have been a dick.
You accept my apology and admit that you have acted like a drama queen and lets just end it right here.
What do you mean by racist? I know what it means but how were you being racist? Also I do not admit that I was a drama queen because that's taking it too far... The only reason I didn't end it there is because you disrespected me and treated me like dirt...
I do accept your apology but I don't trust you anymore... I'm sorry but you will have to gain my trust again over time...
I didn't just put this thread up here because I was being childish.. I was being very spiteful and was feeling angry so posted it here so the members could see how you treated me.. I know that was very stupid and immature because I couldve ended this right there...
I'm sorry...
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
How about finish it here and now?

He can't admit that he has done something wrong,
I used to respect you butler, now I see that your selfishness overpower your matureness...

Anyways fuck this lets just end it here, thread closed.