Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
Saw the trailer yesterday.

I think this is a good way to expand the TES serious to something else.
I cant complain at all, i've been a fan for like... forever.

I am looking forward to this, im way to excited!
Getting way to worked up!


Yeah, but it'll just end up like a stylized runescape clone in 1st person.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
sounds about right.
So is it like MMORPG or is it like online co-op. NEEDMOAR
also i doubt im going to buy this. Skyrim made me rage and beg bethesda for my money back because it was such crap, feel like this will do the same.

This is a MMO.
But if you hated skyrim, you'll love this.

if you hated runescape, you'll hate this, too.

I only play runescape to dress my male character in a skirt and tanktop (Members only) and troll random people.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
This will probably be like Skyrim Online, but an official version. Or at least that's what I hope for. The only game Bethesda disappointed with was Rage, and that was only due to their lazy ass porting.

As far as games are concerned, they always delivered good gameplay, decent to amazing storyline and massive content and a lot of customization.

Everybody who's bitching about this without any proof is a moron frankly. Practically, there is no reason to doubt them when RPG's are concerned.

Also, JellyNinja, cocacobra was being sarcastic.
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
i actually wasnt being sarcastic

If I knew where you lived, I would have come over and raped you shown you why Skyrim is awesome and all that.

But no, seriously, I'd probably kill you.
I think Bethesda is lowering their standards by going out and making a MMORPG...
They should stick to console games.
Life is not fair, but life is not fair for everyone... which actually makes it fair.
Originally Posted by DarkAmaris View Post
I think Bethesda is lowering their standards by going out and making a MMORPG...
They should stick to console games.

They lowered their standards when they made console games. Also, Bethesda is known for their PC games.

As far as MMORPG's are concerned, they announced the fact that they were thinking about making once since TeS 4. As long as they won't go for a pay to win mentality, they will still have their fans' respect. If not, then we have Skyrim Online.

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
your officially crazy. skyrim was terrible
once you beat the main questline it was a waste of time because you could fly by every side quest. most of the side quests are pretty lame too, all in all skyrims just another brick in the wall.

When you beat the main quest, or before, or even during it, you had an immense world to explore, a shitload of items to get, and a lot of variety on what to do in sidequests, not to mention the fact that the modders create incredible stuff for it, and further expand absolutely everything in the game. Skyrim has literally an infinite amount of hours of potential gameplay because of their side quest generator and most of all, because of the modders who make more great quests and so on. 60 bucks for Skyrim is underpayment frankly, especially when you think that Activision charge 60 bucks for each CoD expansion they tend to call a sequel. Skyrim is the best game launched this decade so far, and only Bethesda can top themselves. Every other formerly good RPG makers went to shit with their stuff, one by one.

Also, what you described is every single game on the market ever made, especially if you play it at the easiest difficulty ( or even medium in some cases) and just blast through it without properly enjoying it.

Not sure if this is old news on the forum, but the game is currently set to be another WoW-style game.
The combat is in third person, and revolves around hotkeys/hotbars and point n' click combat with skill cooldowns that is not in real-time like you'd expect from a game bearing the Elder Scrolls name.
Certain areas are locked off from people who are too low level, some have been locked up so they can sell them as "expansion content", and there are very few unmarked caves or dungeons on the map for you to discover and explore for yourself. You can't own a house because it's "too difficult to implement in an MMO", and the NPCs don't run on schedules like those in Elder Scrolls games usually do.

TL;DR: It's a WoW clone with Elder Scrolls dressing.
Then again, I've heard it's being developed by Zenimax by themselves without the Bethesda Softworks team working on it, which may explain a few things...