Two members WILL not send it at the same time, so only the person responsible for posting their app in dimension can PM about it. Not the referral. but the person who posted ABOUT their app on dimension, in the case of the new applicant, this person is pizza, who will PM and inform him. Personally.
Um, ok, thread first, PM after...

But one thread will be created whenever an application is posted? Lol, will clog up the board...
Last edited by Morbid; May 7, 2012 at 10:04 PM.
Belt- Black Belt Timezone- USA Eastern time zone
Preferable mod- judo and aikido
Reason for joining- I wanted to join so I can socialize with more people and meet new people
Past clans- (AoD) Angels of Darkness and Element I don't remember anymore but if you find something on how I was on another clan that was a long time ago I can't remember anything else.
Forum/IRC activity- 1-10 about 8.5
Referral/invitation- I didn't get one.
Infraction/ban history- I have gotten banned but from a server 2 times the first time was because I computer glitched and sent the letter w a couple times and the guys thought I was spamming. The second time I was on Quantums recruitment server to see if I could check up on my app. But, I defeated Jjojjo in a match and he banned me after yelling at me.
Skill sets (art, replays, video)- I dont have impressive skills but I do have some replays I could show you.
About yourself- My real name is Angel Bu I am 13. I am very smart for my age I am going to take 9th grade classes in 8th grade. I am particularly good at painting,drawing, and scuplting. Though I am not awesome as computer technician. My favorite sport is soccer and my hobby is collecting Naruto cards and I watch the manga too.
Any other relevant information- I was raised in Cuba but, I cam to Florida when I was five. Also here are some of my replays.

Dargon Moderated Message:
User was infracted for this post.
I don't usually bother to "salt wounds" by humiliating people who do something like this, but alas it seems that I have to show that reporting actually does something.
Attached Files
bat and the flying monkey.rpl (32.7 KB, 4 views)
ponage.rpl (60.3 KB, 4 views)
body breaker but ENHANCED.rpl (30.2 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Dargon; Aug 13, 2012 at 05:42 AM.
This is not a recruitment thread and we are currently not accepting applications. If you are interested in joining please contact OfUnknown or Dentian.
Sam i already banned him from posting here do to his constant idiocy, hence the infraction. If he is to stupid to figure out how to send an app he doesnt belong in this clan.
EZ1O Application

  • Belt - 2nd Dan
  • Timezone - Eastern United States
  • Preferable mod - Either AikidoBigDojo or Wushu
  • Reason for joining - I've been looking for a clan to join. You guys seem pretty good and I like how your system works with elements.
  • Past clans - -Superhero and UnKonventional
  • Forum/IRC activity - Average (2-4 posts per day) to High (6-8 posts per day)
  • Referral/invitation - I don't know what this means.
  • Infraction/ban history - 1 permanent ban. It was accidental though and was a big cluster of confusion. It's complicated but I can explain if you want.
  • Skill sets (art, replays, video) - Replays, Parkour, Sparring, and some Art.
  • About yourself - 15 year old in high school. I've heard I'm pretty cool and I'm pretty easy to get along with.
  • Any other relevant information - I posted a couple replays that might help you guys with your decision.
Attached Files
Ezio's Parkour A.rpl (1.09 MB, 2 views)
| [AC] | Replays | Order of Taekkyon |