yea, i'm going to have to go with Lume on this one, you can't buy a pc for that cheap and expect 100+ fps on new games, my pc parts currently are still worth more than that and i dont even get that high of fps. while overclocked mind you, 4.2ghz amd 965be and gtx 465 at 870mhz core, 2085 memory(on par performance wise of a moderately overclocked gtx 560ti)

i will say this, the 6850 can be highly overclocked but if you're looking in to anything tessellation nvidia or newer ati like the 7000 series is the way to go. 560ti and 570 cards are decent mid to high end cards.
You don't say?
Pfft non-believers. You have to see it to believe it. I bet you guys buy your parts brand new -_-
Anyways, I'll get his specs when I go to his on Monday and we'll see if you guys still call bullshit
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Pfft non-believers. You have to see it to believe it. I bet you guys buy your parts brand new -_-
Anyways, I'll get his specs when I go to his on Monday and we'll see if you guys still call bullshit

Provide recipts of the cost too, please? Because if you want to run, say, Battlefield 3 at max settings with 140 fps you're going to have some graphic cards that run in crossfirex/sli and that costs much more then $380 alone.

Also, can you order your parts anywhere else online or not from newegg due to the online restriction? If you can only buy local I don't suggest any main store like futureshop, bestbuy and see if you can find a buisness that will order parts for you.
Nah, they won't accept my paypal without a credit card attached to it. I'm looking into getting parts from eBay and maybe from a store.
Originally Posted by LWafflez View Post
I might go for the GeForce GTX 560 Ti though.

If you want to get the best bang-for-your-buck out of any current graphics card on the market, the 560Ti is extremely hard to not pick as the best choice.

Especially if you can get one from EVGA, with the lifetime warranty. They aren't kidding: a few years down the road, if the card's obsolete and craps out on its own, they'll replace it. With the equivalent new model.

This is how a friend went from a GeForce 260 to a 560Ti. For free. Years after he'd bought the 260. Be sure to check the manufacturers' website for the exact details on how that warranty works before you buy, but yeah.

EVGA's pretty awesome.