I don't have anything against this organization or whatever you guys are doing, but I'd still like to say a few things.

Aikidobigdojo is my favourite mod and it was my favourite for more than 3 years now I believe. There are only four gay things that I'd call "rushing for win" those are: Judo kicks, Lifting, Shoveling and Suplex openers.

To promote fairplay and playing classic aikido.

To play un-fair? Everything is fair, no matter how gay you play.
Learn how to counter all the shit idiots do and that's about it.

So, if most your everyday matches include such things as:


Suplexes, meh... As far as it was a planned move from the start...I wouldn't call that nice at all, suplexes are hard to counter and if you don't know how to do it most likely ends up by a lift. And throws? How is that even possible? 95% of abders uses grab in their opener, how would you make a throw? So I assume Throw=Lift?

And finally,

without contracting wrists on 1st turn, lifts, lift kicks, leg/torso grabbing.

Contracted wrists are just another tactic, I personally never use contracted wrists at the start, but still...How are contracted wrists are bad in any way? Well of course, it causes random dms sometimes, but nothing more.
Totally agree about the lifts and lift/kicks, but yet again....Leg/Torso grabbing?
You want to say that if you have one free arm(I mean which is not grabbed by your opponent) the only thing you should grab to make the game fair is arms and head? That makes no sense AT ALL. Grabbing torso is one of the best ways to create pressure and is a really effective thing to trick your opponent. Leg grab might be a little bit annoying at times, but you just can't avoid that if you get low...Your opponent will most likely go for a torso grab or even a decap and the only way to counter that is a leg grab. Grabbing leg is very effective and IMO it's necessary sometimes.

Well I'm done here. Even after all the stuff I've mentioned I can still see the purpose of this organization. A pretty good idea.
Good luck guys.
Also known as Kristis133.
~Fabula Magnus|Co-Leader of DOA|GameGrad|ORMO|Tc's Seller~
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
There are only four gay things that I'd call "rushing for win" those are: Judo kicks, Lifting, Shoveling and Suplex openers.

If you mean forced suplex, then i will had to agree.

Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Suplexes, meh... As far as it was a planned move from the start...I wouldn't call that nice at all, suplexes are hard to counter and if you don't know how to do it most likely ends up by a lift.

If you are plaing against more or less experienced player he will try to avoid lifting.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
And throws? How is that even possible? 95% of abders uses grab in their opener, how would you make a throw? So I assume Throw=Lift?

No, you assume wrong.
common throw.rpl
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Contracted wrists are just another tactic, I personally never use contracted wrists at the start, but still...How are contracted wrists are bad in any way? Well of course, it causes random dms sometimes, but nothing more.

You are totally wrong. Contracted wrists give a huge advantage, thats why i belive it can't be considered as fairplay at all. I will explain:
Let's say your opponent used wrists while you started with clap, in this case his arms are grabbing inside yours and closer to you, so your wrists in this case are useless. Absolutely. And he controll your elbows. If both of you ended up back to ground and about to try saving by standing on wrists he will win. This is bad isn't it? While if both started with clap noone would have advantage/disadvantage on start.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Totally agree about the lifts and lift/kicks, but yet again....Leg/Torso grabbing?
You want to say that if you have one free arm(I mean which is not grabbed by your opponent) the only thing you should grab to make the game fair is arms and head?

No. you can go for turnover.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Grabbing torso is one of the best ways to create pressure and is a really effective thing to trick your opponent.

Never seen it to trick an opponent. Most things with low grabs i see are ending up as pushing and lifting, while both players are stick together in one piece. Just a mess. Not exciting to watch.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Leg grab might be a little bit annoying at times, but you just can't avoid that if you get low...

I didn't get what do you mean here. can you explain further?
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Your opponent will most likely go for a torso grab or even a decap and the only way to counter that is a leg grab. Grabbing leg is very effective and IMO it's necessary sometimes.

Leg grab isn't necessary at all.
Here is throw with one free hand and without leg grab.
throw without leg grab 1 free arm.rpl
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Good luck guys.

Thank you.
Attached Files
common throw.rpl (32.9 KB, 89 views)
turnover.rpl (32.9 KB, 75 views)
greykido.rpl (57.7 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by snake; Feb 4, 2012 at 06:29 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
AikidoBD is the cancer of toribash. I'm going to do my very best to phase it out of play.

I second this.
< Larfen> also my replay thread has more views than the rules thread \o/

...This probably explains most problems in this community.
No, you assume wrong.

How is that different from a turnover?

You are totally wrong. Contracted wrists give a huge advantage, thats why i belive it can't be considered as fairplay at all. I will explain:
Let's say your opponent used wrists while you started with clap, in this case his arms are grabbing inside yours and closer to you, so your wrists in this case are useless. Absolutely. And he controll your elbows. If both of you ended up back to ground and about to try saving by standing on wrists he will win. This is bad isn't it? While if both started with clap noone would have advantage/disadvantage on start.

If you know how to play, you can easily turn contracted wrist to a disadvantage.
I don't really know how to explain, but...By ungrabbing and grabbing again after a few frames you can create such a strong pressure that your opponent won't be even able to move. I still can't see how they are wrong...Well maybe it's just a question of what do you think is wrong and right.

No. you can go for turnover.

In a situation like that yes.(Oh and William lowered his arm, that kinda helped you to make a turnover and your leg didn't dq.) But why William didn't go for grab? He just lowered his arm making him an easy target for a turnover or a lift.

And turnover is not always a good choice. You can't just go for it every single time, it simply will not work.

I didn't get what do you mean here. can you explain further?

Getting low=Staying near the ground. That makes it very hard for your opponent to lift you and well...It's just a good position.

Leg grab isn't necessary at all.
Here is throw with one free hand and without leg grab.

Your arm was between his legs which helped you to do that throw, what if it wouldn't be there? It would've been a simple lift, nothing more.

Originally Posted by 8OJ4N
Its a question of what is fair play...


Well I will stop spamming this thread now, if you want to discuss it Snake, let's keep it to pm's.
Last edited by Riddles; Feb 2, 2012 at 07:05 PM.
Also known as Kristis133.
~Fabula Magnus|Co-Leader of DOA|GameGrad|ORMO|Tc's Seller~
I saw this tread.
I read everysingle line of it.
> They want fairplay in Aikido.
> They canīt contract wrists on the 1st turn
>They want a game to be like real aikido

Originally Posted by snake View Post
Not interesting? Learn to play.

>Snake signature move is "TEH CLAP" like most new players

and rigth before that you posted a replay countering a shovel with a...wait for it.... clap, and you just lifted him, and you tell us to "learn to play" what skill is there behind contract pecs,grab ,lift shoulders, and lean back (which im not going to state all the joint movements), theres no skill, you learn to do that when your a green belt that got shoveled to many times.

(on the same post)his actually rigth, shoveling and double grabbing doesnt allow you to move your tori or do anything agaisnt it hence the match not being interesting

i can honestly say this was mfw i saw this.
and what?

ahahahahahhaahahh xD

also you arenīt makeing aikido "fair" your just makeing it what you what it to be "fair" .
alsoalso pardon me if theres errors, i couldnt be helped to be like the whole time.

oh and btw , excluding the replay with William, what belt where those guys in those replays? "< brown" ?

riddles is rigth about the contracted wrists, easy the break of fracture, just by useing ur hand on them.

oh and this
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Well I will stop spamming this thread now, if you want to discuss it Snake, let's keep it to pm's.

this isnt the place to show our hate for this nor our oppinions
aaannd if you made this a discussion on the rigth board instead of this, it would be the smarter thing.

This is like a midget trying to shun basketball cuz he aint tall enough for it.
ahahahah xDD
doubt you will get BD perma banned from toribash.

and gl&hf with future of going org.

also, inb4 someone makes a "wehatelenshu3.tbmcuzithasgrabsandlenshuisn00bwith grabz" tread
Last edited by TheSecret; Feb 2, 2012 at 07:24 PM.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
How is that different from a turnover?

turnover is standing on one arm and throwing an opponent with another.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
If you know how to play, you can easily turn contracted wrist to a disadvantage.

show/say how
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
I don't really know how to explain, but...By ungrabbing and grabbing again after a few frames you can create such a strong pressure that your opponent won't be even able to move. I still can't see how they are wrong...Well maybe it's just a question of what do you think is wrong and right.

just add the replay that shows it. cuz this is quite vague so far.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
In a situation like that yes.(Oh and William lowered his arm, that kinda helped you to make a turnover and your leg didn't dq.) But why William didn't go for grab? He just lowered his arm making him an easy target for a turnover or a lift.

we made this replay just for explanation what turnover is, while ofcause it can be different, but the one thing stay the same: you use one arm to stand on ground and use another to throw opponent.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
And turnover is not always a good choice. You can't just go for it every single time, it simply will not work.

of cause, but we were talking about situation when you got one free arm.
Originally Posted by Riddles View Post
Well I will stop spamming this thread now, if you want to discuss it Snake, let's keep it to pm's.

why not? i will gladly discuss it here. afterall we aren't fighting.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
>Snake signature move is "TEH CLAP" like most new players

new?... good joke. Especially when you hear it from a 5th dan.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
and rigth before that you posted a replay countering a shovel with a...wait for it.... clap, and you just lifted him, and you tell us to "learn to play", theres no skill, you learn to do that when your a green belt that got shoveled to many times.

that was a response to: "lots of shovelers at classic aikido", so i added replay with blocking it, and yeah, that was done by lift, since i tried to avoid my legs being grabbed.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
(on the same post)his actually rigth, shoveling and double grabbing doesnt allow you to move your tori or do anything agaisnt it hence the match not being interesting

i can honestly say this was mfw i saw this.
and what?

thats rather better to have more interesting matches, then lots of same mess with doublegrabs and stuff isn't it?
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
oh and btw , excluding the replay with William, what belt where those guys in those replays? "< brown" ?

there are like 65 saved aikido throws replays and saved 8 spiritwrestling throws in my folder atm while 5/10 aikido matches i play are ending up with throws and head dq opponent inside the ring, 4/10 head dq outside 1/10 random. i can pick some with specific belt if you want.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
aaannd if you made this a discussion on the rigth board instead of this, it would be the smarter thing.

this is place for discussion actually.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
also, inb4 someone makes a "wehatelenshu3.tbmcuzithasgrabsandlenshuisn00bwith grabz" tread

don't worry i will make one later.

[On a lenshu note]
yes, i belive that playing lenshu with grabs is the lamest way lenshu could be ever played, even tho i'm not regular at lenshu.

Or lenshu nograb is too complicated for you?

try to play nograb at classic aikido with comebacks on that small dojo.
this is what really hard to pull off.

or.. some helickicks may be?

or some standing fight?
ng standing fight.rpl

ah, wait, i forgot that you are playing only abd/lenshu.

ever heard about spiritwrestling?.. there is a big dojo here, tho you can't win by damaging opponent.

or stabjutsu?
stabjutsu one arm.rpl
[/On a lenshu note]

Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
and gl&hf with future of going org.

Thank you.
Attached Files
balancing.rpl (54.8 KB, 14 views)
heli+spinkick.rpl (49.4 KB, 11 views)
ng standing fight.rpl (52.4 KB, 10 views)
spiritwrestling.rpl (76.5 KB, 13 views)
stabjutsu one arm.rpl (104.6 KB, 19 views)
lenshu.rpl (90.1 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by snake; Feb 3, 2012 at 12:38 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Well i see your rather civilized, but this things are just a point of view and prefering to play tori in a certain way, thats why there are a shit ton of mods for it so people play whatever they want.
It wouldnīt be conclusive continuing this "point the better thing" fest, we just have diferent playing styles that all.
Originally Posted by TheSecret View Post
Well i see your rather civilized, but this things are just a point of view and prefering to play tori in a certain way, thats why there are a shit ton of mods for it so people play whatever they want.
It wouldnīt be conclusive continuing this "point the better thing" fest, we just have diferent playing styles that all.

why not, just give some arguments against what i said or some arguments for abd.
and add replays, thats what i also mean by arguments.

To be honest, i'm quite upset that most of players these days play abd/lenshu, while these mods aren't the best in each mod category, and there are alternatives for mods and playstyle, while people stuck with these 2.

and about "point of view"
not the best example here, but still:
alot of players use openers at wushu, run and tripoding, while the fairplay at wushu can be described in few terms like: improv, comeback always, even if you are leading by points ( i can add no noobhugs, but whatever ).
i'm pretty sure you can agree with this statement, then why you can't agree or atleast give a try to play the way we are trying to promote here? Days back that was a standart (sambo->aikido), before introduction of bd.

once you tried and succed at impro, you would not use any openers anymore.
once you tried and succed at throws, you would prefer to pull it off rather often, if not using only throws,

even tho throws are rather easy to counter then suplex, there is a risc of elbows dq etc etc, but after you done it in match, you will feel like you actually did something, not just another 1 qi and 10 tc.

when i started to play aikido i used kicklifts etc, and i could probably end up like that and play like.. some of current 10th dans, untill i was told there are other and better ways, which i tried and use atm,

is that bad to try to show people that there are lots of other ways to play a mod and variations, which are way more enjoyable?

aren't games like that worth time you waste on this game?

while you balancing on the edge
stand save.rpl

while pulling off some throws

using chance to saves
from fly to standing.rpl

or keep going
keep going.rpl

Anyway, you don't had to throw opponent outside, i always try to throw inside the dojo, so still there is a chance to save.
emm i don't save replays when i loose after throw, but belive me, even that happens from time to time ( actually quite while ;p ), i feel rather satified, then if it could be a 100% no risc win.

so, if there are some unwritten rules in wushu for example, why there should not be any at aikido? for the sake of good games.

anyway, why do i hate bd in this case? as i probably stated at 1st post, and as it was written at wikipedia, direct damaging is not what aikido is meant to be.
While abd setting encourage people to earn poings, and dm opponent.

Thats it.
Attached Files
stand save.rpl (60.6 KB, 9 views)
game1.rpl (49.4 KB, 10 views)
from fly to standing.rpl (60.6 KB, 12 views)
keep going.rpl (44.2 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by snake; Feb 3, 2012 at 01:17 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Well i can see where your going with this, i comprehend you feel like there is more finess to aikido then people now a days make it be, i for once only saw 1 person that could counter and flip like no man i seen before and i always thougth that one needed some tremendous guessing skills to know what the other guy was going to do. So i assume your developing some way of trowing people in aikido sucessfully because its the next skilled thing you want to accomplish.

Also about abd i assume abd for some is like riding a bike with training wheels, when i first started playing this i didnīt know what i liked more, till i found sambo then aikido then because of the constrict dojo and everyone be pushinī i decided to get some more space and aikidoBD was there.

alot of players use openers at wushu, run and tripoding, while the fairplay at wushu can be described in few terms like: improv, comeback always, even if you are leading by points ( i can add no noobhugs, but whatever ).
i'm pretty sure you can agree with this statement, then why you can't agree or atleast give a try to play the way we are trying to promote here? Days back that was a standart.

yes i agree, haveing fairplay and giving some challenge without the match being over,although im not a fan of -9 gravity, you can also do comebacks in AikidoBD and lenshu and ninjutsu IF these last 2 had larger match frames.
I do not agree why canīt one contract their wrists on the first turn, i see nothing wrong with it, but i do disaprove the lifts and such nabish actions(we teach this to everyone who actually joins secret).

An example on why not for wrists is the replay i added, in which i achive a DM on the first turn of the match, although the move wasnt developed for such intention it has that nasty habit , and i contract my wrists for that. (excuse me for not haveing the wizard skill to link the replay on to this text)
also in sambo you where to close to even do anything with ur contracted wrists and be sucessfull.

the "stand save.rpl" is proof of a, imo, a not interesting match, since you just double grabed and didnt do anything out of comon.

I myself go for a more destructive outcome in anymatch, a while ago 1handclap (if im not mistaken) was aikidoin with me, he dmed my rigth pec, then literally tackled my left arm off, i balanced ofc armless, and it was awesome recieving such cruelty,acidental or not. He has the replay of this.

well my replays mostly consist of skill replays and me decaping people(very good ones to :3), dont know what i have that can argument for aikidoBD, just the fact that i wouldnīt do the moves i do in it if i had a smaller dojo,would go for the same objective but i eventually would find myself being lifted somewhere out of balance.

afterreadingureditedpost: I do see what you did there, and your rigth about the point of aikido, and not being toward a damage fest(dat wikipedia), i think i passively agreed with you above to, saying i wouldnt play the same for fear of being pushed.... and i do understand these hidden rules u speak of, but if aikido is a counter art why dont you develop counters for every situation? since you like this counter thing, you need an opponent to strike first to actually counter, but you do know that on this turnbased game you cant exactly counter much unless u predict his movement, from stage 1.

i also think since this is a game where many ppl arent really looking on preserving Uke after and attack, since there is so many replays that show no regard for Uke, since in aikido one must always look for the well being of ones opponent.

is that bad to try to show people that there are lots of other ways to play a mod and variations, which are way more enjoyable?

it is bad if you use such a negative way to teach people the other way, why not the "Finess at aikido org" or the "How aikido should be org" not all "Anti-BD ,BD haters org".
Attached Files
firstturndm.rpl (30.5 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by TheSecret; Feb 3, 2012 at 01:45 AM.