if a clan is dying, you'd think you'd try to make it better opposed to just leaving it.

But yeah, I get where you're coming from, it's not fun to be in an inactive clan.
Last edited by Facade; Jan 19, 2012 at 01:42 AM.
what am i doing here
This clan isn't dying though, you're all here just Inactive, also I've worked my ass off to save tint and various other clans, without jurastic overhaul and replacement and cooperation from ALL members it IS USELESS.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
This clan isn't dying though, you're all here just Inactive, also I've worked my ass off to save tint and various other clans, without jurastic overhaul and replacement and cooperation from ALL members it IS USELESS.

Then quit posting. Thanks for trying to "save" us, though we don't need your help.. especially if you are going to quit before any big changes really occur.
Faint shut the fuck up, no one said I was trying to save you I even said you didn't need saved take ape's dick out of your pussy and stop girlin' 24/7 it's a fuckin video game you hardly play, quit acting like you care what happens to your clan when nothing's happening in the first place...
Last edited by iMOD3RN15; Jan 19, 2012 at 07:46 PM.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
I mean I posted that I was leaving and it took 6 days for 6 people to reply and the clan leader hasn't said anything yet...c'mon Nolan step ya game up child.

We're inactive that's why GOSH.

Also no need to be so touchy Faint just was stating what he got out of your posts.
I don't know what post he was reading seeing as to how I've never said anything negative about the clan, inactivity is fixable...noone said hit needed to be saved....
I N C R E D I B L E H !
Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
This clan isn't dying though, you're all here just Inactive, also I've worked my ass off to save tint and various other clans, without jurastic overhaul and replacement and cooperation from ALL members it IS USELESS.

This is where the main offensiveness was. This could be miss-read as you saying that are clan is hopelessly inactive because we aren't trying hard enough to be active.
Well it sounds like you guys assumed the meaning of what I said and assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

Or a better one, when you assume, it just makes an ass out of you and me.
I N C R E D I B L E H !