I got for Christmas some sweets (chocolate stuff ) and a good fight ... i was working before, on and after Christmas ... and 7 or so drunk guys decided on Christmas to try to rob the supermarket... since I have no religion it didn't really bothered me that they got there Christmas whooping...the only down side was that 2 off my colleges got injured one got his face smash in with a baseball bat and the other ended up with a broken arm.
Last edited by Desiderius; Dec 26, 2011 at 05:10 PM.
Originally Posted by Desiderius View Post
I got for Christmas some sweets (chocolate stuff ) and a good fight ... i was working before, on and after Christmas ... and 7 or so drunk guys decided on Christmas to try to rob the supermarket... since I have no religion it didn't really bothered me that they got there Christmas whooping...the only down side was that 2 off my colleges got injured one got his face smash in with a baseball bat and the other ended up with a broken arm.

well thats bad....
in my country, we dont have a winter day..., so I never touch a Snow Ball...
Adphones|.:!New Era!:.|Indonesian
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Why thank you Slanesh . Im buying 200k tommorow for 20$ as 20$ is nothing really :/.
I will have 400k, so im going to wait till they restock no qi demon force then buy that for 400k. Like 2 week's after that i will buy 100k for a name change, Check the general chatting for my thoughts on my name change
♥ mushu♥
I got an iPod Classic 5th Gen (30gb) and KRK Systems KNS 6400 headphones. :3 (They're better than Beats by Dre, or any other headphones for that matter.)

I also got clothes of course, and a $10 Taco Bell gift card.

Originally Posted by TheProphecyCrip View Post
and a $10 Taco Bell gift card.


i got some nice shirts and pants
remote control airplane and helicopter
money €.€
and thats about it...
now i have to wait till the 6th of january to get more presents (3 kings)