Kill the process with fire
Open CCleaner and stop it from running when you start your computer
Download a virus scanner thing and delete it

Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Kill the process with fire
Open CCleaner and stop it from running when you start your computer
Download a virus scanner thing and delete it


Either that or boot in safe mode and run a virus scanner and kill le virus with fire.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
check if cmd.exe is running. is it not running? hi virus.
Is it running? disable cmd.exe, ping.exe should dissapear aswell.

''but takk, i never opened cmd.exe''

nope.avi, it is likely that you have a batch file somewhere on youre computer wich is malicious. also, while youre looking at it, check where ping.exe is stored. is it in the windows system folder? no? virus, jot down the location and delete. yes? then there is a malicious batch file. search everything or use a proper virus scanner.

also, download hijackthis and post a log of it.
Originally Posted by Takkrala View Post
check if cmd.exe is running. is it not running? hi virus.
Is it running? disable cmd.exe, ping.exe should dissapear aswell.

''but takk, i never opened cmd.exe''

nope.avi, it is likely that you have a batch file somewhere on youre computer wich is malicious. also, while youre looking at it, check where ping.exe is stored. is it in the windows system folder? no? virus, jot down the location and delete. yes? then there is a malicious batch file. search everything or use a proper virus scanner.

also, download hijackthis and post a log of it.

Originally Posted by Alan View Post


i am sorry, sarcasm is very hard to notice on the internet. if you are implying i am a retard then please state why. if youre clapping because you think my post is a good one then thank you kind sir.

Right click on ping.exe in the processes tab of your task manager, open file location

End the process, and then try to delete it. Did it work?

No? Reboot in safe mode, go to the file again and try again, if that doesn't work google file assassin and try again.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Ok , Downloading Highjackthis now.

Posting the log soon.

No Cmd is running in Task manager nor Process Explorer.

Will try Mbam in Safemode tonight -Full scan-

I have CCleaner, Not listed as a bootup item, Not even in Winsomething (forgot what its called , but my friend told me to try it , its a CMD command that opens a window)

it's located in System32 , along with a "ping6.exe".

I'll Edit this post with the Hijackthis log in a bit.

----Removed Hi-jack this logs----

Thats the Hijack this log , Also , didnt know if this was relevant , but just in case , In Regular boot mode , After trying to delete Either Ping.exe Or Ping6.exe , they Re-appear in minutes and The Process is back hogging CPU

I might've read somewhere its being run by a fkae SVCHost.exe , but im not sure , maybe you know?
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Jan 11, 2012 at 04:28 AM. Reason: Hijack logs
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
48 Hour Bump , Anyone Wanna try to help me some more?

Tried File assassian , File just came back after 30 seconds.

Thought i'd tell everyone how i fixed this, for archival purposes, I ran TDSSKiller from desktop and it found and deleted it, For some reason it only found it when TDSSKiller was on desktop, hope this helps.
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Jan 12, 2012 at 06:07 PM.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]