sure this game is not boring(for me of course),but sometime i need to get a pause from tb,or i start to hate it.But after some years i guess i wouldn't be a human if wasn't so..
I think this game can give enough reasons for continue to play it year after year: you start as a noob and the desire to become good can keep you busy for at least 1 year.Then you see the possibility to become REALLY good,so you can go on 1/1,5 years more,in the while you start to know people and maybe join/made a clan.If you did these 2 last things well,so after you became really good you can still have fun playing with these persons.You don't care anymore SO much to become better(even if you never stop to learn this game)ingame,but mostly to play with the awesome people you have know in the past years.
This is how it worked for me,but i'm sure that,for example a dueller,had/has different stimuli respect me
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It is becoming boring...but i always keep playinh...i just think they should add something to make the game more,fun...i mean for years its the exact same. Fight and win they should add something in 4.0 to make it better
i wonder if 4.0 ever comes out... i mean we sit on 3.91 since ~8months. and tb became boring when i reached all what i wanted. sometimes its so that i open tb, join a random server and quit 5secs later cus i memorize how boring it is. its not fun anymore i just stay at the community and go ingame for some clanwars
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I'm not bored.

There's so much to this that it has a sport's difficulty. I don't think I'll spend a long time, at any one time, playing Toribash, but I can't imagine ever quitting.
People Nowdays Prefer easier games to play and think that those games are more fun.
Everything Else is tougher and complicated is boring for them.
(\(\(\ My work /)/)/)
_('ω'(Q) Have a Banana
I myself got a bit sick of toribash because all my good friends left in '09, and the servers are practically empty, but I still like Toribash because of its Single player, and Community. But since not many people like to go ingame as much they should lower qi on items.

Since this community is awesome, I stay so I can become a better player, but since the game is very repetitive it is easy to get bored and lose interest, but making friends here is just as fun, if not more.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
It gets boring when you reach black belt and are kicked out of all the fun official servers. Because that is when you can only play with friends to not get bored. So you go the forums to find friends to play with. Then you realize no one plays in game. But on your journey to find friends on the forums, you are introduced to the community. So you stop playing in game, and live on forums. Then you find someone who is new to the forums and wants to be your friend. They ask you to play in game but you tell them you are bored with it. And then that person.....

Yeah. Basically I go on every day or two for a tiny bit.
daddy kill the spider
I Quit 1ns and same as you guys who quit tb , When coming back you realize that its fun to play again and thx for the comments guys

If anyone else wants to share there post about toribash getting boring or not feel free to share :3

Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 2,151
Clan: Duck

How do u find friends at the year of 2009 when you join at Dec 2010?
Last edited by demolish23; Nov 4, 2011 at 04:37 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[PsY]Forever | I luv my friends :D