Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
9 billion weapons and counting...

seriously though, no game needs THAT many guns. honestly...

Kind of not really true though.

The guns are procedurally created, so there are literally 100 guns that are all identical, but have 1% damage difference between each one...

They should put some more thought in to effects and weapon types and classes.

Essentially there are less items than Diablo, and less variety too sadly...
Well, if you take a look around the wiki of the first one, you can see that weapons are sort of mounted with different parts and those parts define the specific attributes. They do technically look all different
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
But in the first one, nobody cared about more than half the weapons because it was too easy to find the good weapons and say fuck it to the rest. I personally don't care if there's 9 billion different types of guns if I just need one to stomp through the game. I've cleared the original and all dlc on the hard mode using just one gun and not giving a shit about anything that was dropped because I just didn't NEED it.

It's probably going to be the same case in 2, which is why I wish they wouldn't sell the point of a large arsenal if most of it is crap.

Plus, who the fuck actually looks at their gun in a game? The only time I'm looking at a gun is to see if I'm using the wrong gun, and even then it's basically a caricature of each gun I'm using to identify them, so those little details are almost completely ignored by me.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I'm going to buy this so hard...
There are so many new animations and guns.
This is gonna be pretty sweet. Can't wait.
Toriprime/VIP local moderator | Colon 3 | 4th dan
<3 Cide | Glow | Jarmund | ishi | satiknee | Wiggi | Fish | pal <3
[19:12] <&MrManiac> I kept pooping in my pants
Originally Posted by sid View Post
Well, if you take a look around the wiki of the first one, you can see that weapons are sort of mounted with different parts and those parts define the specific attributes. They do technically look all different

Yeah I played the first one, so I realise that they use a part swapping system. However each part has a 'range' for the attributes, and some parts are only very slightly different in the fist place.

The end result is a huge pool of guns that all look similar that have different attributes.

Going back to Diablo, you can clearly tell the difference between weapons at a glance, there is no visual patch-quilt.

I don't think the randomised gun loot really added anything to the game.
GameInformer made it seem as if there are major changes. (E.g. if you fail to complete an objective, the plot will twist around your failure, and come back to haunt you.) Since BL1 came out 3 years ago, I'm sure BL2 will have imroved graphics, animations, etc.
I played the first one and I liked it quite a lot. Though, I have bought in on steam when it was on sale for 12.50€ with all add-ons.
I am rather sure that it won't be worth a full-price for me. As in 50-60€.

will buy it for sure when it gets cheaper again.
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Hell Yeah.
Thank you you magnificent bastard, thank you for posting this gameplay. I thought they haven't even coded it yet. Ah well. Although, about the graphics. I don't see any real improvement at all, it looks pretty much the same as the last. I don't see any real improvement with the engine either. But i will get it, of course. I loved Borderlands, cel-shaded or not.
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
But in the first one, nobody cared about more than half the weapons because it was too easy to find the good weapons and say fuck it to the rest. I personally don't care if there's 9 billion different types of guns if I just need one to stomp through the game. I've cleared the original and all dlc on the hard mode using just one gun and not giving a shit about anything that was dropped because I just didn't NEED it.

During my time playing the game, I likely ignored 90% of the weapons that were dropped. In fact, on my Roland playthrough I think I only went through about 10-15 different guns that I actually stuck to until level scaling made them useless.
Also, finding the "secret" gun chests was more often a disappointment than not. More than half the time you'd have something better. And chances are that an enemy dropped that.
Either that, or a rocket launcher comes out when you need a SMG, or a pistol pops out when you only have skills with assault rifles... etc.

Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Plus, who the fuck actually looks at their gun in a game? The only time I'm looking at a gun is to see if I'm using the wrong gun, and even then it's basically a caricature of each gun I'm using to identify them, so those little details are almost completely ignored by me.

I also did this.
In fact, it wasn't until I visited the Borderlands wiki that I found out that the different doodads on the guns show what special characteristics the gun had. Up until then, the only things I noticed were the gun's stats when I was looking to replace an old one, and its color when I had it equipped to differentiate it from the other weapons I had.
I will definitely be buying Borderlands 2 when it comes out. The first one was great, some people may find constantly looting chests for good guns a little boring, but I loved every second of it. I wonder if they can do anything to combat the hacking of weapons, using modded guns online kind of ruined multiplayer.