Pivot, it's a game. Relax. Nobody is going to die, the real 911 sucked hard, but this is nothing.
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
Leader of [l]|ORMO Recruiter|BISH|[WTU]|[ETC]|Replays|[TGS]|
It still brings up memories that nobody wants to remember.
Need Graphic Artwork done? I'm your guy!
You still don't 'joke' about things like this. This is a serious topic, not a joke, to play around on.
Need Graphic Artwork done? I'm your guy!
I'd agree with Pivotbash... if the mod wasn't so well-designed. If you take the mod as it is (a very good one) and ignore what it is refering to, there is no reason to be offended. I mean, the jesuscopter mod is way more offensive than this and it's still a fun mod to play.
Pirate: smilies, your textures kick so much ass

<~ClockworkMonkey> sometimes, you don't try really hard and things just work out

Originally Posted by Smilies2 View Post
I'd agree with Pivotbash... if the mod wasn't so well-designed. If you take the mod as it is (a very good one) and ignore what it is refering to, there is no reason to be offended. I mean, the jesuscopter mod is way more offensive than this and it's still a fun mod to play.

This is more or less exactly what I was thinking.
It is a kinda fun mod. Especially if one of the people is in the plane.
And I think some of the comments are actually more offensive than the mod itself.
Loosen your sphincters up.
Its a fucking mod.
Culapou and i might host a tourney with this mod soon.To commemorate the occasion.
Inactive Due to RL Issues.
But I still love [l]. I also love you.
this mods fun, even if you think of it like its fucked up, you still cant help but laugh at yur toris getting mutilated like that.

good job cula.
i tested the mod and it remind me about the 9/11 alot...oh well press the link to see stuff i did.

p.s : it wasnt sadam hussain it was osama bin ladn
Last edited by noki9991; Aug 25, 2011 at 07:00 AM.