Please, read here first.
Those are the rules and guidelines to starting a thread for a clan. Please, don't flame people, especially when you have already had a thread shamed. No one wants to join a clan with a leader/member as dysfunctional as you have shown yourself to be, Kirau. Come back later when you have your issues sorted out.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
hey everybody i dont want to read ur fricken bull crap ok only if its about me redoing some thingy with a sticky or something if ur here just to talk about something else THEN DONT LEAVE A FREAKIN COMMENT OMFG
Here's a tip.

Be more mature around here, it will get you the respect you'll need to start a respectful clan.

Apologizing was a good first step, but now you must earn their trust as well. You won't be able to stop people from posting here, but you can react properly. When they tell you to do something differently, at least think about what it would do for your clan. If you read the stickies and put more effort into this, it will have a much higher chance of succeeding.

When I started here, I wasn't anything special, I was just another member trying to start a clan. I acted maturely and helped other players, and slowly I gained respect and trust, and managed to create my own clan. The admins at the time noticed I was mature and helpful, and promoted me to moderator. I used that power fairly and to promote goodwill, and eventually became a Super Moderator. From there I made myself even more useful, and etched out a place for myself among the admins. All of these good things that have happened to me, however, would not have come to pass were I not mature and helpful from the very beginning.

It is unlikely that you will walk the same road, but you'll never get anywhere if you don't take your first steps.
Once again, MBK has come in and laid down some serious stuff....while leaving a double post at the same time....

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~

Anyways, Kirau, if you want to make a clan, then here is a quick clanstart guide

Use [DSC] Clan [Kitten] for your clan thread name
Have a member list
Have a clan story (a story you write about your clan and its foundation)
Have a description of your clan overall and its goal
Have a rules list

Then you will be good!