A couple questions:

1. When an infraction/warning expires, is there a way to remove it frok your infractions list is it like a permanent record and what's there will never be removed?

2. When you get points for an infraction, after the infraction expires, does the point go away or will it stay there to be added up with future points

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Originally Posted by MegaCash View Post
A couple questions:

1. When an infraction/warning expires, is there a way to remove it frok your infractions list is it like a permanent record and what's there will never be removed?

2. When you get points for an infraction, after the infraction expires, does the point go away or will it stay there to be added up with future points

1. See Dalliance's post.
Originally Posted by Dalliance View Post
In all cases the record of any infractions/bans/warnings you have gotten will last forever on your account.

2. They expire, meaning they don't add to your points anymore.
Last edited by Vulc; Jul 21, 2011 at 08:34 AM.

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