Originally Posted by PinkwafflesFTW View Post
I like fighting games like toribash.

Shooting games like black ops.

Sand box games like gta4

sports games like backbreaker. Not madden because it just the same thing with a updated roster

Racing games like nfs.

I can't afford anythng. My parents buy my stuff

Xbox360 is for you, then.
I've used both of the consoles, it all really depends on the type of games you like.
Originally Posted by PinkwafflesFTW View Post
This is not a vs. thread but if it is somehow a vs. thread i am sowwy

I'm thinking should i get a ps3 or an xbox. I played the xbox with my cousin but the controller took a little while to get used to.Also when i wanted to go online on gta 4 my cousin said you gotta pay to go online for every game on the xbox.

I played the ps3 with my cousin and i liked it. I like the controller and the games but it doesn't have gow3 and other games that i like for xbox.

Can you tell me anything else there is about it or if there is anything that messes up game experience

Again,if this is a vs. thread to any admin i am sorry

Ok, It mostly depends on what kind of a gamer you are.

The PS3 is honestly a more powerful console, it can run games smoother, quiter, and make it look better. The ps3 is kind of inconvenient, because of installs and updates and such.

The 360 can do mostly everything the PS3 can do, other than run games that well. The 360 is much less reliable though, but much more convenient than the PS3. The biggest difference is this:

Xbox 360 has Xbox live, and the PS3 has psn.

Live is much better, much easier, much simpler, and just works well, interface wise and networking wise. The interface is clean, fast, and there are simply more people playing it ( there are little kids in and on anything, guys >.>). Messaging is good, but voice messages sound like you're being talked to by a scuba diver A lot of PS3 fanpeople would say that PSN is better because it's free, but it's 5 bucks a month guys, but I guess you could say its another game you can geta year, but it's really nothing. Achievements and avatar awards are totally awesome, and work very well.

PSN, well works. You can play online, the interface has more options, but a bunch you don't really need in an ingame interface.Everything on it loads seperately, which is a bit of a pet peeve, but it does it's job as well. Messaging is basically like email. You get crap like chain messages, and such. I haven't done that much on PSN, but that's what I've seen. Also, it's free! Trophies are compromised, so don't expect to compare your trophies to people on a fair basis.

So yeah, if you like playing games or watching movies on a console that would be quieter, and have less hiccups, get the PS3. You should be fine with not being very social with it, or having to deal with a lot of management on your dashboard.

If you want an xbox, you should be competitive, have a few friends to out with on live, and have games with big multiplayer bases. The old xboxes are pretty loud, and pretty bug ridden, so I suggest you get a new one if you chose this.

I play an xbox, and I have a blast with it, but I have a ps3 right next to it, on which I watch blu rays and play Little big planet.
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Originally Posted by Facade View Post
Keep in mind thousands upon thousands of PS3 users' information were compromised numerous amounts of time due to them being hacked so frequently, as well as there servers were offline for months, not allowing PS3 users to play online. I'd advise you get an Xbox, for security reasons, as well as the Xbox has more games, and a larger variety.

if sony was hacked, don't you think that xbox could of had the same problem if the person decided to go hack xbox? think before you post.
Originally Posted by boredlolz View Post
if sony was hacked, don't you think that xbox could of had the same problem if the person decided to go hack xbox? think before you post.

Xbox Live has better protection; that's why you pay for it.

OP: I think more people on TB play Xbox, so think about that.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
Originally Posted by boredlolz View Post
if sony was hacked, don't you think that xbox could of had the same problem if the person decided to go hack xbox? think before you post.

I agree, kinda. Sony was obviously being targeted. PSN is a free system, and PS3 runs on an OS that used to be able to be switched, and has a web browser. I guess it's just a way of attack, but I can't imagine that Xbox live would be as loose.
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Whichever you decide to buy, shortly afterwards you will realise you also want the other. I have every console, not because I'm a game addict or I'm uber riche, but I simply find them all enjoyable and like playing different games on all of them and some of the same games lol (I have Oblivion GOTY on both PS3 and 360). But, I would suggest PS3 first, simply because it plays .avi files without any fucking around and it has free online. I also don't feel like it is missing out on Halo, GoW or Fable, all of which are good and highly followed but really aren't essential.
i say ps3 if your a hard core gamer got good games god of war uncharted GT etc if you just want have fun xbox
Originally Posted by Facade View Post
Keep in mind thousands upon thousands of PS3 users' information were compromised numerous amounts of time due to them being hacked so frequently, as well as there servers were offline for months, not allowing PS3 users to play online. I'd advise you get an Xbox, for security reasons, as well as the Xbox has more games, and a larger variety.

there server was down for 1 month also they get hacked for spitting in the face of hackers that is never a smart move to do

also go with what your friends have it will be more fun
Anime United
Originally Posted by MrTeapawt View Post
Xbox Live has better protection; that's why you pay for it.

OP: I think more people on TB play Xbox, so think about that.

Xbox is made by microsoft, but you do know that hackers can hack anything right? they hacked the CIA which is apparently the most secure thing out there, think about that.

Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
I agree, kinda. Sony was obviously being targeted. PSN is a free system, and PS3 runs on an OS that used to be able to be switched, and has a web browser. I guess it's just a way of attack, but I can't imagine that Xbox live would be as loose.

read what i wrote to Teapawt.