Originally Posted by BOMBAxBOB View Post
I do not like my school system too.
60% are active cooperation.
That means, if you are very good at this subject and not interested in learning things you already know, you could get the same mark as a "stupid", but active schoolboy/girl.
I know, later working hard is important, but shouldnt marks show, how much you know about this subject

Yeah, exactly. An outgoing stupid person that asks a lot of questions will be seen as a smarter student rather than someone that sits there and already knows it. I don't think the "BUT YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO WORK HARD LATER!!!1!!11one!!" is a good excuse. Sure I might have to work hard later, but that doesn't have anything to do with right now. If I'm already gonna have to work hard later, I'd appreciate not having to do so now, especially when I'm not gaining anything from it.
"Studying skills" or time management or whatever is something students are expected to learn on their own. The grade is dispersed through all your classes.

The system should really figure out what they're trying to measure by all those letters and numbers. As what's been said before, a lazy genius would be seen in equal terms to an active idiot. That doesn't seem right.
It's simple. The people who succeed in life are those who are willing to put the work in, and this is reflected in the examination system. Raw talent or intelligence will get you nowhere without a good deal of hard work, because simply being clever does not get anything done, and is no contribution to society. Also, the fact that you expect society to cater for your laziness, and punish those with less intelligence but a better work ethic, is not at all commendable, and in fact a rather descriptive of what appears to be your entire attitude.
Quit, probably.
Our yeargrades is based upon how much we work. About 65-70%. I think it's a good way to make people more active. If you got grades only because of your knowledge you could be a lazy twat that knew most of the answers. Some people are born smarter than other people. But it's not always the clever ones that gets success. There is a guy in my class who is not very clever, and he's having a hard time reading. But he gets average yeargrades, because he wants to learn. He does everything he can, and it impresses the teachers. Therefore they give him higher grades.

Note: We get our examination grades judged mostly upon our knowledge.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Originally Posted by BOMBAxBOB View Post
I do not like my school system too.
60% are active cooperation.
That means, if you are very good at this subject and not interested in learning things you already know, you could get the same mark as a "stupid", but active schoolboy/girl.
I know, later working hard is important, but shouldnt marks show, how much you know about this subject

Agreeing wih this. I knew some things even before they were teached. And everyonetells to study them all over again at home. And If I don't do it, when I do finish the learning at school by listening to what the teacher says and I don't find a reason to recap, I'm blamed. Such a weird thing, that school.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Well in mexico depends on the school, UNAM the national university It pretty much only matters you assist and do well in exams,thats why I might loose this year
Become a phantom
Mac Muffins.
I don't think the current system is quite as balanced as it could be. A better system would be able to find students who already know up to a certain point, and then give work based on what they need to learn, rather than forcing you to mindlessly repeat work that you've already got down, and get just as much as someone who's struggling but made it through. I agree that those who already know something shouldn't have to study it constantly and do a load of paperwork. It's very tedious.
ಠ_ರೃ - "Quite so, good sir."
Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
It's simple. The people who succeed in life are those who are willing to put the work in, and this is reflected in the examination system. Raw talent or intelligence will get you nowhere without a good deal of hard work, because simply being clever does not get anything done, and is no contribution to society. Also, the fact that you expect society to cater for your laziness, and punish those with less intelligence but a better work ethic, is not at all commendable, and in fact a rather descriptive of what appears to be your entire attitude.

Most of the time we get more homework when some of the class doesn't understand it. Why do we try to cater to the less intelligent by giving more work, which makes the people that already know it have to do more work which makes them dread school because of the mindless busy work they always give? It doesn't seem very fair to me that the less intelligent people are rewarded by getting more work they don't mind doing, and the people that already know it are punished by having to do repetitive bullshit that they already know. I'm not saying to punish those with a better work ethic, but if they don't know as much as the rest of the class they need to study or w/e it is they do to get smarter.
I barely pass my classes because how little homework I do. I spend enough time at school already thinking, working, studying, then I get homework? What the hell. After 3:07 that IS MY TIME, not yours, not anyone else, MINE.

I think some of us are doing a little more than the school system deserves.