Your strength is too low for that. Now, onto me...

The Persians arrive and the battle commences. My men use a phalanx formation to kill a few dozen of them. Then we charge at the Persians with our doru and I manage to sweep through a weak point in their formation, arriving on the other side of their first line. In the process, my doru was broken and I now face their general, who is on horseback. I pull out my xiphos and we prepare to battle...
The horseman stands guard. Unknowingly, a Persian came behind your back and is about to stab you with his sword.

Waffle: You try very hard, but your strength is too low. The ladies laugh at your weakness and leave the bar.
-1 Charisma
It's. . . been too long.
The Persian soldier slips, and I quickly turn around and ram my shield's edge into his head, cracking his skull open. The general attempts to charge me, but I quickly pull out my javelin and throw it into his chest, knocking him off the horse and killing him.
Nice Rayleigh. You head off to fight more Persians. You see your officer, Leonidas, break his weapon while killing enemy Persians. He orders, "FIGHT TO THE DEATH, MY BROTHERS!" Two enemies with swords charge you.

Wafflez: You walk to a blacksmith. You ask, "are there any jobs open?". He looks at you and says, "Are you good at making swords? If so, show me." He opens the door to shit shop and gives you the necessary tools. "Show me."
Last edited by Catastrophe; Mar 27, 2011 at 07:20 AM.
It's. . . been too long.
When he looks away, I smash his head in with the hammer and rummage through his belongings, contemplating on what to do with the corpse.
As you start contemplating, a Constable walks on as you kill the black smith. "Stop! In the name of the law!" He gets out his sword. You're in a sticky one Waff
It's. . . been too long.
"Thank god you're here, Constable! I came in to have my daggar sharpened when I saw the dead blacksmith and a man leap out of that window" I say as I gesture towards an open window.