This is usually the case with restocks. When the time for the restock comes, everyone hovers over their clickers and refreshes the page numerous times to make sure they don't miss it. Once the items have been restocked, the richest people immediately buyout all of the most valuable items.
i think when no one will buy item for higher prices from them,they will not rage restocks as they will be having already many unsold stock
so slowly day every item of shop will be available to buy at any time of month
This is usually the case with restocks. When the time for the restock comes, everyone hovers over their clickers and refreshes the page numerous times to make sure they don't miss it. Once the items have been restocked, the richest people immediately buyout all of the most valuable items.

Dont talk about me like that

also chintu no people like me who bough quite allot during this restock take the chance that we might now be able to sell everything we buy but that is part of the risk we take. A true marketeer knows what is hot and what is not and from that is is just predicting how much to buy so you dont loose too much tc.

Also you would be surprised, because I bought something like 18 hunter forces at 12k each and so far today I have allready sold 12 of them for 25k ish. Some people are too lazy to wait and want the items now and that is were Marketeers capitalize the most.

Also seeing as how most of the people with big wallets know exactly when the restock happens now, you have a very slim chance of getting the items you want because earlier today I think I refreshed the page about 200 times
I watched it go from out of stock to In stock just like that and before I knew it 400k out the window
8am omfg i turned off tb at exactly 7:58am omfg!

sorry that was useless

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Last edited by Koz; Mar 2, 2011 at 06:41 PM.
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