Epic ?

[22:27] * Muur eats his stomach out and dies.
[22:27] == Muur [] has left #advclan []
[22:12] <@Muur> Yep. My name is Denise
[22:12] <@ColoSleep> lol
[22:12] <@ColoSleep> r u male ?
[22:12] <@Muur> Yep.
[22:12] <@ColoSleep> that's gay
[22:12] <+Catastrophe> I like how Colo appears out of nowhere
[22:13] <@ColoSleep> catastrophe, it's sexy no ?

Muur, u seem to be gay-ish
but I still loving you.
Originally Posted by Muur View Post
Forum/Irc Activity:Almost 5 hours on school nights and from 6-10 hours on weekends
Past Clans:Fish(older account) and Orange
Best Mod:Aikido
Talents:Aikido, Making Art, Replays
Why do you want to join?: Adventure seems like an extremely fun clan. It would give me great pleasure to join, make some new friends, and to allow this clan to advance me as I help advance it.
Why should I let you?:I'm really good at making replays and art, and I believe that could help this clan. Also, I'm friendly, very active, and I know how to think before I Hit post.
Info about yourself: Hi, I'm Muur, I live in Eastern America, and my hobbies are basketball, Toribash, and making art. I enjoy Toribash alot and I often post and go on IRC. I am good at aikido and I am even in Team Aikido(along with you goric :=3) I am 15 and in 9th grade. I would really enjoy being in this clan please consider letting me join.

My name is Louis, lol. Remember from the 1st Adventure Application ;)
(11:35:18)<itsaracoon>Man why did i make this tostinos pizza? They taste like crap
(11:35:26)- Silco_ joined
(11:36:02)<Rayleigh>itsaracoon: Improvise.
(11:36:08)<Wafflez>you're a terrible person
(11:36:21)<Wafflez>and you should jump out of the nearest window
(11:36:34)<Wafflez>film it
(11:36:36)- Silco quit (Ping timeout)
(11:36:39)<itsaracoon>My windows are 5 inch's
(11:36:47)<Rayleigh>French bread, string cheese, and a tomato.
(11:36:51)<Rayleigh>Boom, instant pizza.
(11:36:55)<itsaracoon>No way i could jump threw them xD
(11:37:22)<Calms>Haha Ray..........
(11:38:01)<Wafflez>Well, jump throwing a window would be difficult.
Perfect pizza improv.
[21:19] <@Colo> and what's the command that Aang uses to make him fly ? :/
[21:19] <@Muur> No clue.
[21:19] <Aesperus> Yip or something lol
[21:19] <@Colo> Yip Yip
[21:19] <@Colo> something like that
[21:19] <@Muur> Yiff Yiff
[21:20] <@Colo> or that
[21:20] <@Colo> whatevger
[21:20] <@Colo> that's funny
[21:20] <@Muur> No yiff is not it lol
[21:20] <@Colo> my friend is so fat that they call her as Apa
[21:20] <@Muur> Lol
[21:20] <@Colo> you don't want to get punched by her
[21:20] <@Colo> its like you'll fly over 9000 meters.
[21:21] <@Muur> What if she sits on you :O
[21:21] <Aesperus> When she stands up do you aay yip
[21:21] <@Colo> when she pass, they say: ''Apa, Yip Yip!''
[21:21] <@Muur> Lol
[21:21] <@Colo> and she starts to punch everyone that she can
[21:21] <@Colo> and
[21:21] <@Colo> [21:21] <@Muur> What if she sits on you :O
[21:21] <@Colo> if this happens
[21:21] <@Colo> you won't see me anymore
[21:21] <@Muur> Lol
[21:21] <@Colo> I'll be like an paper
[21:21] <Aesperus> Ô_ö
[21:22] <@Muur> Posting on [a]IRC lol