EmoTeal: fl0w is ex-HUNG members clan

Glow: we are glad 2 have clan allies

thedarkblood: cuz he is "da baws" or someth that way
Last edited by snake; Feb 11, 2011 at 12:52 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
That guy thought we are reviving something since I remember that there was a clan called flow before the hack.
Anyway, cheers to new beginning. :]
Its now more comfortable when we all are in this all the way from the beginning and know all the things going on etc
GL guys, AMB always were an ass, do pay too much attention to his idiocracy, make your way of doing things, and do not listen to dumbasses.
Thanks Fedz =]
Also nice (Atleast in my opinion ) replay I made,spent around 30 mins on it.
Attached Files
Akiz95-Running man..rpl (381.5 KB, 9 views)
glad to c ya there fed ;p and thanx for support ;p

kosuke: soz we are not interested...
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
The Replays that will be used for a future clan movie:

My vision of the movie:


Professional looking text passes:A movie by Hung...

Intro for every player:OOOH,I got this idea.You know the chain replay,we can use it to introduce each player.Everytime someone changes,it would look great I think.We could do a new one.Guys,but I really need you're help here first...

Start of the replays:

Also,a text passes:
-Maybe something about Wushu being our main mod,and I can talk some shit about Wushu,just short and brief.Like 5-10seconds
-A series of Highlights from our Wushu Replays(this text appears on the screen).

Now,their are several ways we can show those Wushu replays:
-Either random:We go with the flow,fast flowing Wushu highlights and showdowns.
-Or each player's replays by himself:Self explanatory.
-We can divide it like:Comebacks,Decaps,Flow movement...(Categories)

Text:*Bonuses*Other cool replays that you guys want to share,the replays shown would have to be pretty great OK!(course I put mine just to show,but I expect non of mine to be featured...)

We show those replays in some random order...

End:Credits and shit...

William replays:http://www.sendspace.com/file/7vk8mo
Description:Most of my decaps(not the best replays though),some great wushu 2k frame games,other wushu games,some other spar with snake:I didn't good at all so just posted them for the heck of it,so mostly my replays are wushu replays.

War replays:http://www.sendspace.com/file/cod84i
Description:Single player replays

Xhiba Replays:http://rapidshare.com/files/441873826/replay.rar
Description: Decaps,and nice wushu games.

Description:Prolly wushu and shit ;p