Originally Posted by garr View Post
Does this make the static timer rare too?

No. Static and sphinx are two different colours. And will always be two different colours
Static is just expencive.(like 90k for the timer) While sphinx is just rare.
I wouldnt buy any of them since they both look ugly.
Last edited by Rfifan; Jan 26, 2011 at 02:54 AM.
Doesnt matter. both of them rape my eyes.

static and sphinx are both rare in their own way. One by stock and one by price.
Last edited by Rfifan; Jan 26, 2011 at 03:30 AM.
Originally Posted by Baronet View Post
Sphinx timer is rare becose it is elf timer picture on it, ppls can sell it with bigger price

i seriously hope your joking
well eh i dont know or does it make sense but i guess its planned and stuff thou i dont really think many people would want to use sphinx colors.
It's All About Expansion
it is rare for a few reasons

1st there are only 35 in circulation and the majority of them are owned by Pacman
2nd the image is a elf timer and not a sphinx
3rd it was not restocked for a very long time and due to the new restocking it has become less and less are.

the same thing has happened to some of the other sphinx items such as the primary and secondary gradients. this has happened on many of the items now and has drastically reduced the rareness of sphinx and other items like warrior.