Lol guys. And have a merry christmas and happy new year.

What I want for Christmas (that I'm not getting) would be:
•Better cellphone

(Post scriptus: Could someone please PM me on what a "useless post" would be? Would the above message be considered as "useless"? Thanks, I have read the rules thread, I just want to be sure that I don't break any clan rules.)
Proud member of Pandora

an useless thread (according to me) is spam, posts that has nothing to do with the topic, very very short posts.... (like just "ok.")

dont worry about the rules, just think before you post and you'll be fine.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
And hey, look at me. I'm walking on the edge of the rules and I'm just fine!

Useless posts, all the time. Anything else would be crapping my style!