Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
No, people hate us for attacking the middle east.

Read the quote, he says America is the most hated country in the world. That would be wrong, maybe just in the Middle East.
Better than your mΩm
also, totally not trolling
We'll probably never find out for sure whether it really was radical Muslims or Bush that bombed the towers, but we can prevent this sort of attacks in the future by getting rid of these terrible governments and possibly religion altogether. We need to stop trying to pick the lesser of two evils when it comes to electing a president and demand a competent person who has done something to prove his/her worth to be a president. With a president that will act with integrity the U.S. won't be hated so much and might just become powerful once again.
Originally Posted by MightyMouse View Post
Read the quote, he says America is the most hated country in the world. That would be wrong, maybe just in the Middle East.

U know... The confusion caused later by the 9/11 cleared the hands of the person responsible
-Now Who was Cleared?
-Maybe In defense it could have been a Muslim group which caused the confusion... O.o?

BtW - I am in Either side
The fact that every1 now SAYS things just made my interest go away
Last edited by Tekro; Aug 3, 2010 at 03:07 AM.


Originally Posted by MightyMouse View Post
Read the quote, he says America is the most hated country in the world. That would be wrong, maybe just in the Middle East.

It is, if you see it from other countries perspective there are plenty of reasons to hate the US, and it is the most hated country in the world.

The Middle East have always had a history of war, desperation and cruelty, one problem with Islam is that it doesn't fit that well in a modern society.
and the 9/11 theories about "inside job" and stuff like that, don't listen to it, it is all a bunch of garbage from people that have watched too many movies.
Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 3, 2010 at 03:09 AM.
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
It is, if you see it from other countries perspective there are plenty of reasons to hate the US, and it is the most hated country in the world.

The Middle East have always had a history of war, desperation and cruelty, one problem with Islam is that it doesn't fit that well in a modern society.
and the 9/11 theories about "inside job" and stuff like that, don't listen to it, it is all a bunch of garbage from people that have watched too many movies.

To be honest if are a part of any theistic religion and follow 100% of whatever their holy book is then you wouldn't fit into a modern society. Also I suppose Europe and the Americas don't have a history of war, desperation and cruelty? I mean look at the crusades ,how all other civilizations were treated and don't forget which hunts oh and have you read the part in the bible where Mary is scared of being stoned to death for being pregnant without a husband?. What I'm trying to say is there wasn't anywhere which had no wars or cruelty, wars and cruelty are what the past was and we just have to do our best to see what was and wasn't fair, and then keep on plowing with our new way of life.

Having said that I agree with you about the whole inside job thing, they are the creation of paranoid people or anarchists who want to create instability.
Inside job or not the only thing causing instability is the fact you worry about it so much.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Islam a religion of peace. lol
In the quaran, bible too, it says to kill heretics.

Religion =/= peace :P

I also don't see how this is helpful really...Maybe a tad offensive on some level that Im not 100% sure of.

And yes, everyone hate America, for many valid reasons. Not all of us are total dicks though.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.