und warum umbedingt ein neuen thread aufgemacht?

also ich hätte das noch im alle drei zusammen thread gepackt aber naja .......
RIP [German Underground] we will miss you
High Tunes Music Promotion
Originally Posted by waschbaer View Post
eindeutig bester name: [SAD] semi-aktive-deutsche...

sry aber wir sind schon beim voten und es störrt nur wenn neue vorschläge gemacht werden :/
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
ich seh bis jetzt noch kein vote zumindest bei uns aber naja die namen... ich weiß nicht hören sich alle net so toll an...
RIP [German Underground] we will miss you
High Tunes Music Promotion

[GPF] German Pro Factory 0
[LAG] Living as German 4
[BOG] Bunch of Germans 0
[GD] German´s Dopest 0
[GFF] German Flame Fighters 0
[GFF] German Fear Factory 1
[GFU] German Fighters United 0
[GTB] German Tripple Bash 0
[GTE] Germans Third Echolon 1
[GRU] German Reign United 0
[HEIL] Hero Elite In Leatherpants 0
[3GRU] 3 German Reign United 0
[3GER] 3 German Enthusiastic Reigns 0
[TK] Teutonic Knights 0
[GIM] German Interactiv Murdering 0
[AGA] = Austria Germany Alliance 0
[GHD] = German Hell Dogs 1
[GSA] = German Speaking Alliance 0
[GW] German Wave 0
[GCB] German Confederacy Of Bashers 0
[GCF]German confederacy of Fighters 0
[GCA] German confederated Alliance 0
[GTU] German Talents United 0
[3GA] Three German Alliance 0
[GU] German Underground 9

pls closen^^
Last edited by Mongius; Jul 19, 2010 at 12:24 PM.
Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat