3D printers makes things out of an epoxyputty looking stuff, or out of powder solidified with a laser (depending on what type).

Most 3D printers can duplicate themselves (minus the electronics), so I would just do that a bunch of times and share the 3D printing love!
I would make more 3d printers to make more 3d printers to make MORE MONEY
and maybe some more food.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
print myself a girlfriend.

Lol, that just speeds up the process that ends with her leaving you after she realises you're not the rich doctor you claimed to be online and the picture wasn't of you.

I would print ancient weaponry.
I would make weapons and have fun with them ,and print the hottest chicks and also have fun with a no moving people
Why would i want a sig?