wow! the skateboards are real nice! i like the second one!

and those string things stickicide, makes the room more interesting!
In woodshop, I made:

A candy machine, out of wood.
Hot air balloons (small scale)
Bottle Rockets
Box Car racers
Shelf organizer

At my art school, we're doing a new thing this quarter called 'The Great Design Challenge'. For one hour, we draw, sketch, and assemble things as the life of a certain job. Last week I was an industrial designer, and made a helicopter camera. This week I made an egg out of natural objects because I was an 'environmental artist'

Srs though, amazing skatebaords.
Originally Posted by Meatacle View Post
i can weave baskets...not to pretty though

How do you make a skateboard

Buy a blank deck.
well i don't have any videos and i don't know if there is any instuctional video if you mean that,but i use one simple principle that i thought:you start nail one horizontal line in the wall and then one vertical at the opposite wall(you do that in the corner of the room,so when you "combine" the lines with your eyes you can imagine a + ) so when you'r done nailing,you start to weave,but to do it trippy,you weave from the 1st nail of one line to the last nail of the other line,so as you weave they will swirl at one point,and that about it.
You can then try different patterns with the nails,for example,insead of straight lines you can do (

hope i helped a bit xD