Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Thats odd how all of post how time flies by so quickly. Do you even dream when you're put to sleep?

Not in this kind of drug-induced sleep. It shuts your head down for good
Ok I have been threw 3 operations threw my life so far and I have never heard the term "being put to sleep is like getting suffocated". REALLY? Btw its nothing like that, pretty much they put the mask over your face then they say count back from 10 and by the time you reach 5-6 your asleep. Easy peasy. When you wake up its like nothing has happened.

Originally Posted by ugonadie6 View Post
Ok I have been threw 3 operations threw my life so far and I have never heard the term "being put to sleep is like getting suffocated". REALLY? Btw its nothing like that, pretty much they put the mask over your face then they say count back from 10 and by the time you reach 5-6 your asleep. Easy peasy. When you wake up its like nothing has happened.

That's nice to hear. ^^
Ow and I also forgot to say that my wisdom tooth is near one of my nerves.
I'm more afraid of it getting damaged.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Not in this kind of drug-induced sleep. It shuts your head down for good

So what you're saying is, the moment you fall asleep you basically wake up 3 minutes later, not knowing what happened or how long the void of time you were asleep was? Thanks for answering, also I'm trying not to derail the topic.
Basically, with the gas, i sometimes illusinate. One time time they put me to sleep, and i imagined awkward faces sticking needles in me. but other than that it is a strange experience in itself. just breat deeply a few times and you'll be out.

and trust your doctors man, they'll help you don't worry too much of the nerve.
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Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Do you even dream when you're put to sleep?

not a thing. which is why youre confused when u wake up...

dont stress too much about the nerve, the doctor will do what he does best.
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Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
not a thing. which is why youre confused when u wake up...

dont stress too much about the nerve, the doctor will do what he does best.

So its like getting knocked out, you just kinda see a flash of something then you just feel like "What the f*ck happened" and I assume you feel some pain with wisdom teeth removal?
no, its not like being knocked out. its more like instantly fallign asleep.
most people complain about the pain and swelling when they had their wisdoms taken out. i had all four taken out at the same time, swelling wasnt that bad and the pain was dealt with copious amounts of pain killers and anti-inflametorys. but it was sensitive and irritable for about 2 weeks... eating was tricky, only used my front teeth, but u still have food hooking on your stitches.
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From what I remember, full body anasthetic administered by an oral gas wasn't all that bad.
I remember my mum holding my hand as the doctor counted backward from 10... I made it to 7, maybe?
The next thing I remember I was in a recovery room, ready to run around the room.
But before long there was a nurse by my side, followed shortly thereafter by my mom, It was nice seeing a face I recognized. Not entirely feeling like myself yet, but feeling more at home.
It was nice...
I don't remember much past or before the surgery, which was, from what I recall a inner ear infection, and a treatment to release pressure from within the inner ear canal.
All in all, you'll be back at the computer that very same night, telling us about your experience, which you should.
Best of luck ^-^
And I will also have 2 weeks off from school, I'll be having a lot of computer time. ^^
Rubby that was the response I was looking for.