Endurance Onslaught 6.0
warsow - best free quake style FPS there is
world of goo - logic and relaxing
portal - u must try it, 3-4h of delight
starcraft 1 - still the best RTS for meh
wishful eyes deceive me
@ dbuhos
No thanks for TorchLight. I don't like (MMO)RPGs, as stated in the first post.
Neither do I like racing games, even though I never mentioned it... gotta put it there.

@ missuse
At first Warsow looked interesting, but then I saw that it was a capture the flag, deathmatch etc. style FPS... You know what I mean, meant for Multiplayer.
would be kewl to play one with actually not getting bored by playing single player. A story?
That would make an FPS game a lot better imo. I don't really like multiplayer only games.
Added to the first post.

I'm thinking about getting World of Goo for Wii.

I have played Portal already. Yeah, it was cool.
If Portal 2 ever comes out, I will probably get it, too.

I have played StarCraft, too. I have physical copies of it here. Never played it through without codes because of the games being way too long.
But yeah, I have enjoyed it with cheat codes (I admit it! But it was still fun.), multiplayer etc.
Now I have gotten bored of it.
Oh yeah, Die By The Sword if you can get hold of it. It's quite hard, but very innovative. It's rather old by now, but there's no game quite like it. The closest you're getting is Determinance, which you might remember being advertised in here. Die By The Sword is (obviously) less pretty, but it features a singleplayer campaign, along with bot battles and potentially multiplayer. Not sure if it does online play, but hey. Also, you can CHOP PEOPLES HEADS OFF. And arms. And legs. And you can chop someones limb off and bash him in the face with it. Your weapon is typically more efficient, though. Enemies range from the diminuitive kobold to the massive ogre. The latter can smack you across the room with one strike.


Goddammit now i want to play it again. Good thing i have a CD. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Ohai, I have been doing some digging.

I'll start off with ze freeware games.

Flail - Physics-based platformer with alot of stages. Singleplay and/or co-op and a third person can even hop in. Also a level editor and more tidbits. Aside from the normal jumping, ledge grabbing and more jumping, this game has something nice to it. The ability to 'fly'. Basically, you jump/stand, you push the 'fly' button, aim and after a short amount of time, you launch quite a distance. Cool game, check it out.

Jumper - Another platformer, simple graphics, simple music and such, but the difficulty is not simple...far from it...
Also a good one, with very challenging stages. There are also two sequels, Jumper 2 and Jumper 3.

And now some SNES games. :3
Kicking off with platformers.

Donkey Kong Country - One of the best platformers for the SNES, 'nuff said. Nice graphics, good music, solid controls, smeared out with some humour and you get this game. Highly recommandable.

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Quest - The awesome sequel to the awesome DKC1. Basically the same description as DKC1, it's just as good.

Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow - Jumping around with our favorite duck, Donald Duck. This game starts out kinda slow with the first five levels, but after a certain powerup in the sixth level, you get GOOOLD!! Just as awesome as the two above. There's also a PC version.

Now the platform/puzzlers.
Lost Vikings I and II. - I love these games, clever puzzles mixed with some jumpy action. These also contain a good amount of humour. In the first one, you start out with the three extremely manly vikings and go on a adventure to get somehow back home. After being kidnapped by a big green alien. Yes, a big green alien. In the sequel, the vikings are once again being annoyed by the big green alien, however, this time your cast will grow, giving new perspectives to the puzzles.

Huff, ho. Wauw, more text then I expected. Anywho, these are some great games that came up in my mind.

Have fun. :3
*enter signature here*
you have a credit card?

I recomend downloading steam and poke your nose around there.

I recomend:

PLants Vs. Zombies. Stupidly addicting, at least try the demo.
Portal: A puzzle game with an fpview twist. I can't call it a fps because you only have the portal gun, which isn't used to kill people.

EDIT: oh, you already tried portal.


what about Dawn of war? Pretty fun RTS. If you like starcraft, you will like this.
and if you find a copy, Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time will take away many hours of your life.
Last edited by ivolt; Apr 27, 2010 at 02:44 AM.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Originally Posted by ClutchingFoot View Post
whats the difference between fps and shootem up or w/e??

Fps's are the ones where you only see your arms and the gun, whereas shoot-em-ups (or shmups) are mostly top-down shooters, like Galaga etc.
@ shook
Die By the Sword doesn't look very interesting, but I still might try it.

If Determinance is just a multiplayer copy of it, then I'll just skip Determinance...

@ catguy19dotzero
woah. a lot of text.

Flail sounds really interesting. Will try it sometime.
lol, I'm getting a lot of games to try out... Thanks everyone!

Might try Jumper 1, 2 and 3, too.

Donkey Kong Country is in my "might try" list, too. I think I have played this before. Virtual Console time!

If I find DKC1 good, I'll probably try DKC2, too.

holy shit...
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadows was that game's name?
I remember playing this a lot when I was just a kid. I liked it a lot.
Will try it.

heh. Might try Lost Vikings, too.

Debit card. Not credit card.
I can't use it to deposit money to PayPal. Probably because I'm under 16.
downloading Steam wouldn't help

meh. I'm not into tower defense games, they're all the same. Plants vs. Zombies is one, too, right?

I'm not really into RTS, either. probably because I suck in them

I don't know about Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

I know a lot of sandbox games, e.g. IncrediBots, the Falling Sand Game etc. etc., but I don't know any other FPS sandbox games...
hmm. I wonder if there's any.
kay, I have tried several games.

Lugaru Demo
Interesting fighting game. I liked it, but I don't think I'll get the full version.
I found it really hard to play, and I guess I would get better if I just played more...
But I don't really feel like doing that with Lugaru.
I'll probably try the upcoming sequel, Overgrowth, when it gets finished.

An Untitled Story
I like platformer games, but it doesn't mean that I like really hard pixel perfect jumping or other stuff like that that require at least 100 resets.
I'm still about to finish this game... Someday... Playing it occasionally.

I got to level 3 until I got really frustrated of the same kind of really hard stages. I bet I won't play it anymore.

The guy moves really, REALLY fast, which made even the easiest levels hard for me.
I think I played to the second place (not second level in the first place) half way until I got fed up of it. Probably won't continue.

I'm about to get some Wii Points and buy Virtual Console and WiiWare games from the Wii Shop Channel to keep me busy.
I'm planning to get Contra ReBirth, Donkey Kong Country 1 and Gradus ReBirth.
Playing Alien Soldier and Pokémon Emerald until I get those.

More suggestions are still welcome.
so that this thread won't turn into me talking only about what I have been playing lately

Originally Posted by Juzz View Post
Hehe, I actually got banned from puzzle pirates :S Now i can't create new characters, and all my others deleted so now I can't play. Are you willing to make me an account + character on hunter? hehehe.
