View Poll Results: Who is the most Iconic Gamin Character
Master Chief (Halo Series)
0 Votes / 0%
Gordan Freeman (Half Life Series)
6 Votes / 12.77%
Mario (Super Mario Franchise)
19 Votes / 40.43%
Sonic (Sonic Franchise)
2 Votes / 4.26%
Kratos (God of War Series)
0 Votes / 0%
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
2 Votes / 4.26%
Link (Zelda Series)
3 Votes / 6.38%
Pacman (As if you don't know)
12 Votes / 25.53%
Commander Shepard (Mass Effect Series)
2 Votes / 4.26%
Ralph H. Baer (The guy that created Video Games)
1 Votes / 2.13%
Voters: 47. You may not vote on this poll
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As ivolt brought out, different characters can represent different consoles. If you see something from Halo, you're not going to think of the Wii, you're going to think of the XBOX or the 360. If you see Metal Gear Solid or Final Fantasy, boom, you're thinking of one of the Playstation consoles. Mario or Link bring Nintendo to mind, and so on. There's not one definitive character icon for video games.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
To todays 'gamers' either link or gordon. But to all 'gamers' (oldies) pacman or mario..
(I vote mario [more in depth gameplay, etc]).
Originally Posted by Madras View Post
Obviously Mario.

Doesn't matter if you like him or not, he IS the face of gaming World-Wide.

not really, i was discussing this with a group of people 4 years younger than me on Steam and they dont even know who mario is, even with super mario galaxy and all that shit
With a question like this you gotta think about who is the most well known.

In that regard Mario and Pac-Man would be the big ones. Outside the gaming community, many people may not even know who Master Chief or Kratos are, though virtually everyone knows who Pac-Man and Mario are, both young and old. In my opinion that makes them the faces of videogames, and therefore the most iconic