This is a great break through in gaming, though you will get quite some eye problems and radiation along the way, some good and mostly bad, unless it can be in the xbox or ps3, that wouldn't be too bad.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
How is this good? It basically blocks out all hunger and fatigue feelings for 120 hours, that's 5 days. You try not eating or sleeping for 5 days and see how you fell afterwards. You are supposed to feel those things because they are vital to your survival.
Who would game for 5 days? That's just how long it can run, if it was in the xbox it can help get rid of the red ring, and less computer problems as long as you don't abuse it, kinda like drugs.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
The prices will be enormous on this probably so not lots of people can afford this (good) if it were to become illegal prices will go up even more.
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
If it were to become illegal no one would buy it as Razor would would no longer make it. Razor is a respectable company, they're not going to produce an illegal product in case they get caught, and no one else has the recipe so no one else could make it.

The cost is only $40 US for three doses, and 3 doses is about 15 days assuming you use it constantly. So that's $40 for 2 weeks, not really that expensive.
dude, thats like liquid crack! no way in hell i would ever buy that.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
Um, yeah... Sure.
(Random address and personal info)
You like the 1st April Discount of $175.86, which is the total price?

This also has nothing to do with computers.
Last edited by Bust3r; Apr 4, 2010 at 04:20 AM.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
if you guys read, it doses you with special chemicals that keep you hydrated and full.'

I never fell for it in the first place, I was hoping a flame war would start :c