why thank you ^_^ but i spent time working on this. not many give away free stuff nowadays, and the ones that do dont give away anything good. just follwing the group i guess

Originally Posted by NinjaTori View Post
Well, I will donate you 1,5k for this palete. But I still think you should not sell it and give it to others for free.

+1. Ok, send me pm with this
For your records...

You've sent 1500 toricredits to deridor
Proud to be Polish.
hey, im gonna buy it.
Been needing color pallette for gimp really badly

sending tc now


For your records...

You've sent 1500 toricredits to deridor
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"
So... well send me the Gimp Color Palette.
<ganryu> Alan, sos mas idiota que tu gato
<ganryu> Alan, you're more idiot than your cat
yeah, me too.
I forgot to put for the tb pallette in it.
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"
well you psted here so i know. my internet crashed for a minute. finding the link now just a minute....

edit: sent. thanks a lot guys. remember, this gives you rights to any new versions i make, so it may save youo tc in the long run. im going to wait til teams league is over then add the new color and the forum background color
Last edited by Deridor; Mar 31, 2010 at 07:33 AM.

Hi,where do I save the pallete to use it porperly? please reply on PM (!) then I'll send your TC
Tint is sex.
Actually, Im pretty sure this is illegal.

There have been palette's of the toribash colours that have always been free, because why the fuck should you pay to use a download a fucking <5kb file. Also, in the second picture, I just used the eyedropper tool and created my own palette using that, and you have many of the colours so wrong. You have supernova as an orange, toxic as a darker helios, demon is essentially platinum, and sapphire/typhon/pharos/ are the same thing.

^ he said before he burned the colors out, so people can't save the image lol.

and i agree, the other palettes were free and did a great service to the community. also, more than half of the colors on the palette are on the other free color palettes, so we're not really getting a very good deal, since we could have half of it for free.
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yes but that still does not mean its illigal.

if its something HE made he can sell it.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.