Originally Posted by PlayerID666 View Post
You would have to find me first.
And then you would someone have to drug me...
And then see if you could manage.

I wouldn't worry about veb...he can hardly stand up.

Lame penis euphemisms are the new cool thing to do.
I lol'd. In other news, shaders look sick, and fluid blood is niiiice. Even though I don't have much of a chance to be on the computer, it's great to be on a nice one for a change

Also, I finally hit 10th dan
Last edited by NewbLuck; Nov 22, 2007 at 01:55 AM.
 ____  _____  __  __  _  _  ___  _  _ 
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Originally Posted by NewbLuck View Post
I lol'd. In other news, shaders look sick, and fluid blood is niiiice. Even though I don't have much of a chance to be on the computer, it's great to be on a nice one for a change

Also, I finally hit 10th dan

Do I smell demon pure setup?

Congrats and get your arse back online soon buddie XD
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.