Oh man, i have a ton of ideas for games in my head. But, to avoid boring you to death and/or committing suicide because they probably won't ever become real, i'll just give you one of them.

It's an FPS game, as fast-paced as they come, kinda like Serious Sam, but much more sci-fi. You control a typical protagonist, who might not be human. From checkpoint to checkpoint, you are under a constant and intense assault, giving you very few breathers and keeping you on the edge of your seat all the time.
Enemies have ranged and melee attacks, with the former being either instant hit or a projectile attack. Instant hit is weaker, but undodgable (aim is slightly delayed though), while projectiles can be avoided and/or shot down, but are dangerous if they hit. You almost always under attack, so you'll have to dodge a fusillade of munitions, all while returning fire. From time to time, you'll also have to face deadly bosses, some so powerful that you actually have to run away from them in order to proceed. Naturally, they won't make it easy for you. Keep running, or they will destroy you with a melee attack.
The protagonist himself is a very strong, tough and well-armored individual, so you can take a good deal of punishment when compared to ordinary humans, and you can beat most non-boss enemies in a one-on-one brawl. This is compensated by the great number of enemies, however, which could easily exceed one hundred per checkpoint, which again could mean that you got swarmed by melee foes while being pelted from a distance.
The game would have some sort of story, though nothing particularily epic, considering the nature of the game. There will, of course, be more to do than just going from A to B while killing enemies. You might also have to hold a position, drive a vehicle or even do one of the dreaded escort missions.

I could keep going about that game. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Oh man, i have a ton of ideas for games in my head. But, to avoid boring you to death and/or committing suicide because they probably won't ever become real, i'll just give you one of them.

It's an FPS game, as fast-paced as they come, kinda like Serious Sam, but much more sci-fi. You control a typical protagonist, who might not be human. From checkpoint to checkpoint, you are under a constant and intense assault, giving you very few breathers and keeping you on the edge of your seat all the time.
Enemies have ranged and melee attacks, with the former being either instant hit or a projectile attack. Instant hit is weaker, but undodgable (aim is slightly delayed though), while projectiles can be avoided and/or shot down, but are dangerous if they hit. You almost always under attack, so you'll have to dodge a fusillade of munitions, all while returning fire. From time to time, you'll also have to face deadly bosses, some so powerful that you actually have to run away from them in order to proceed. Naturally, they won't make it easy for you. Keep running, or they will destroy you with a melee attack.
The protagonist himself is a very strong, tough and well-armored individual, so you can take a good deal of punishment when compared to ordinary humans, and you can beat most non-boss enemies in a one-on-one brawl. This is compensated by the great number of enemies, however, which could easily exceed one hundred per checkpoint, which again could mean that you got swarmed by melee foes while being pelted from a distance.
The game would have some sort of story, though nothing particularily epic, considering the nature of the game. There will, of course, be more to do than just going from A to B while killing enemies. You might also have to hold a position, drive a vehicle or even do one of the dreaded escort missions.

I could keep going about that game. :U

Hah,nice game epic imagination,also feel free to share those ideas I would love to read them .
Originally Posted by Malvado View Post
A post-apocolyptic world based around Resident evil: Apocolypse. The characters have special powers and shit like the main character, can run across buildings(and so can the zombies) and shit, and even turn warehouses and shit into their bases. The zombies can run fast and stuff, also did I mention that the zombies are player controlled(Like a race) aswell as the people and their jobs(Builder +10strength, Architect +10intelligence, etc).
Zombies can have special skills based on what 'it' used to work as before it was infected(Runner +10speed, Gymnast +10 agility, Champion Weightlifter +10 strength, etc).

MMO, no NPS what-so-ever. Now tell me that wouldn't be the best game ever?

Dead frontier + Prototype + Left 4 dead. Cool :3

I'll edit this post when I finish to write my idea.
Centuries Of Damn
Originally Posted by piebel
william, i had a similar kind of idea but mine would be sort of like tekken but then instead turning out rapid combos at a push of a button, u would use like R1 (playstation controllor) and you would go in to position to punch and u would move ur arm using the little joystick, the right one for the right arm, basicly aiming ur punch and where u hit the damage would reflect that like for example: i hit the other guy in the face on the eye, the result he has a black eye and has less vissibility. and everything could go in slow motion with like a power up bar and u could make complicated combos like tekken itself, and blocking would work by deflecting with ur arm, sorta like boxing but it could also have a kinda of capoera style i dunno the only limit is ur imagination! . ow yea and character custimisation hehe. (all rights reserved to me, just in case)

That is a nice idea too but I'm guessing everything will be very slow motion as you said because it would be hard otherwise

well i think ur too much thinking toribash style man. because if u think about it ur reaction in a normal fight is not in slowmotion either so why would it be so hard in the game, (and theres no timer fo planning moves, just so u know. all realltime ) i think with a reasanable simple controller setup i think it would be possible to have a pretty fast pased fighter. like for instance R1 would be like right uppercut and R2 would be low. and then R1/R2 combined with square would be a punch, and R1/R2 combined with circle would be a kick. and u would use the joystick for placing the kick/punch and i think that the heath meter would be different too because u could possibly knock some one out with a few good hits to the head. now you could go into slowmotion in like a fast and slow style like that movie 300. and it would never get too out of hand because i wanna keep the realism
(ow yea rights resevered to me and stuff)

edit: ow and this is just the mechanics of the game i havn't even started about the scenerio and the idea's i have
Last edited by piebel; Feb 3, 2010 at 06:31 PM. Reason: i just wanted to say that, ill specificly explain my ideas when i get a respond
Me and my friend tried to make a game like randomguy said, with gamemaker = fail. But i think it would be a great idea. It would be 3rd person. Your character (can be male or female) Start off in the stone age and find things to make spears or farming tools, learn how to hunt, fish, build, then when you have advanced enough you can learn new things and go up in ages like roman, go to war, to present day to the future where you can fly space ships, and stuff like that. and lots in between. yeah just my idea