Original Post
Make It Better
What is this?

this is A event that you must use your textureing abilitys or expertise to make this head texture better

u must use the colors supernova/vampire
demon pure/qs u can change some of the already made texture like making the on/off button in the back smaller

prizez 15,000tc-20,000tc

the best head texture will win anbd remember u must keep at least the button u can change all of it but u must keep a button somewhere in it or a lever

ends once i find a good texture

when this event is over ill be requesting a avatar i want rounded boarder and my name and tori u can add san diego buildings at night if u can


janurary 19th 2010

edit: i like the way one of your entry's made his preview, so i made one for you. i would recommend anyone to do this to prevent texture theft. if you cant make one like this, pm me the texture and i'll make it for u ~borgpunx

Last edited by borgpunx; Jan 4, 2010 at 06:25 PM.
I got lazy. Pretty much the only reason I didn't water mark it.Thanks though. I always enjoy your help borg.


Still no idea what it's originally suppose to be, but I had ago anyway.

PM me if you want it.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Jan 3, 2010 at 04:37 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
that looks pretty hot, nice details. i would fix the eyes? whatever the red things are. im sure if u tweak that, it still has many similar attributes to the original
RAWR xTeam Sambo