Oblivion and fallout 3 are single player games both made my the same company, The games are similar in style. Oblivion is set in a magical land with swords, shields, and magic spells. Fallout 3 is set in the future, well the future of the past if that makes sense (the future if you lived in the 50's), after a nuclear war, Filled with guns giant mutants and a great story.
Originally Posted by Paralyzer View Post
Mass Effect 2 is gonna be awesome, i totally forgot about it. When does it come out?

Late January

Also if you're looking for more epic singleplayer games, i'd highly reccomend bioshock and also the first assassins creed.
Assassins Creed 2 is an excellent game for the 360.

Probably one of the best storylines I've ever played through in years, great and immersible gameplay. I highly recommend it.
Back in my day...
Yeah, over the past two days I've logged about 15 hours of Assassins Creed 2. Not anywhere near done, apparently. I'm going out on a limb and saying it's the best SP game I've ever got the pleasure of enjoying. :l

As for Rock Band drums, hell yeah they're annoying. That's why I said "a nice entertainment system" in the requirements... to drain out the clacking of the drums. You get used to it. UNLESS YOU HAVE AN ION KIT. BOOYAH.
It didn't take me long, but that doesn't say much, im a addict i play till im hungry or i beat it. Lol
Another game coming out some time soon(this year sometime) is Bioshock 2, so i recommend getting Bioshock 1. Its a FPS set in a under water "Utopia" with huge story like twists and its quite long.
Batman: Arkham Asylum is the shit for singleplayer. Get it.

Oh and Saboteur isn't too bad. It's fun at the least.
collect snots from the nose
Dude, get your hands on rock band 2. I cannot stress how awesome it is, as the same with a competitive multiplayer sport/action game, eg. UFC undisputed.
Originally Posted by Paralyzer View Post
Mass Effect 2 is gonna be awesome, i totally forgot about it. When does it come out?

January 26th in US, 29th in Europe. I'd wait for that. The first one was great despite its shortcomings.
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Incognito - [o]
So I rented out some games, Left 4 Dead 2 was to dear to rent, so I got Resident Evil 5, Army of Two, Fallout 3 and Condemned 2.

Me and my mate have been playing Army of Two like it's going out of fashion, it's an awesome game for multiplayer. The first mission on Resident Evil is crazy hard and I haven't yet passed it. I love the Condemned 2 controls, with the triggers being used for either hand. Fallout 3 is kind of random, i'm not catching it right now.