Haha, shit man, i love the way you write stuff. I've snickered heartily multiple times, yet i still found myself agreeing with some of the situations, most notably 6 and 7. Worst case of number 6 wasn't performed by a tableleg, but rather one of those stationary exercise-bicycles. I was just going to the other side of a table, so i made a quick clockwise semi-circle around it, and WHAM! Smashed my left little toe against the base of the bike, making me unable to run/walk properly for about a week.

But anyways, nice stuff. I'm usually not much for reading really long posts, but this was totally worth it. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Number 6 is the one i can associate with the most. Just a small stub of your toe on blunt object causes the most horrific pain. It really is unexplainable
ugh, so many of these have happened to me, something similar to the cashier situation, i was in best buy and a guy comes over and asks if we need help, having absolutely no emotion at all, and what great timing for that table leg ravaging your toe :/ on my way to my computer chair that just happened >:/ damn furniture D:
This is truth, this stuff happens so many times it's unbearable!
Originally Posted by MurraY View Post
Are these in any particular order?

What the hell would they be in order of?
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time