Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Ohh, shiny screen.

Too bad that A, that large a resolution probably won't be supported by a 4850 in games, and B, it's a Macintosh. Macs don't deal with games too well, in case Apple hasn't noticed yet :| Very few commercial games support Windows AND Mac, and bootlegging/emulating more often than not is a buggy and unreliable process, even if you know what you're doing.


(Insert here a comment about how you could get a PC at half the price with the same power etc)

too bad for the bandwagoning mac haters that it's perfectly possible to install both windows and mac os on one of these and switch quickly and easily between them. So you get windows for your videogames and do everything else on the much better mac os.

Of course the people who can't afford to buy one will always bitch and cry. But macs are the industry standard in graphic design and audio production for a reason, and when cost is no object, you're not gonna get better =p
It's too bad I bought mine last year instead of waiting for half a year. oh well, plus for all those "oh mac cant run games and shit ).(" one program, Boot camp
It's too bad I like being able to upgrade my pc over time :[
However, for most users, macs ARE a great deal, once you add in the value of the design and included software, plus the fact that you could sell the new mouse for 60 bucks, which btw is very uncomfortable to use.

I'm wondering though, does using bootcamp on a mac make performance worse than just a normal pc? I've never seen it being used, so I have no idea.

Our family's realtor just got a new iMac from her son for Christmas. She actually wants to show it to us XD
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Originally Posted by haharrl View Post
too bad for the bandwagoning mac haters that it's perfectly possible to install both windows and mac os on one of these and switch quickly and easily between them. So you get windows for your videogames and do everything else on the much better mac os.

Of course the people who can't afford to buy one will always bitch and cry. But macs are the industry standard in graphic design and audio production for a reason, and when cost is no object, you're not gonna get better =p

Sorry, you seem to in your ignorance imply that I can't afford one and/or have never had one. I had a Macbook for about a year and I frankly don't see how it's "THE BEST MOST INNOVATIVE OS LOL SO SIMPLE AND FAST TO USE". Barely any different from Windows except it was more restrictive and had different programs available for use than Windows did. And uh, I installed XP on there, then about a month later when I put it to sleep it wouldn't boot up again. When I got support from Apple on the line they said "Well it's probably because you installed Windows on the Macbook, they're not designed to run it. I don't know if we can fix it but you could go to an Apple store and see if they could do something." I did, and they couldn't. Bye-bye $1400 Macbook.

Mac isn't really better unless you count idiot-proofing an OS or making it cost twice as much as the competition as 'better', or unless you're using it solely for art etc. It's not designed to run Windows and that's why a lot of people have problems with doing that, me included, so don't say "DUDE YOU CAN DO IT WITH NO PROBLEMS YOU JUST DID SOMETHING WRONG DUMBASS".

They're great for graphic/audio design, yes, and they (usually) run at the same speed as Windows counterparts, so I can't complain there, but they are not some major revolution in computer systems. Macs are more overhyped than Modern Warfare 2, ffs. Boot camp also was a pain in the arse for me, which is why I just tried installing XP onto my Mac so I wouldn't have to go the trouble.

Basically- for me, it's not worth it, because I don't need a Mac and I mainly use my PC for gaming and surfing the web. You and others who continually stroke Steve Jobs' cock need to realize it is not always the best choice or the most cost-efficient one (and this is something very hilarious, whenever you bring up cost as an issue, most Mac fans will say "OH DUDE IT'S WORTH IT YOU DON'T PAY FOR LIKE UPDATES AND YOU NEVER HAVE TO LIKE BUY VIRUS PROTECTION OR ANYTHING IN THE LONG RUN" yet I've never had any severe issues with my PC over the six years I've been using it, nor have I invested any money into it save for a graphics card upgrade and games.)
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
You and others who continually stroke Steve Jobs' cock need to realize it is not always the best choice or the most cost-efficient one (and this is something very hilarious, whenever you bring up cost as an issue, most Mac fans will say "OH DUDE IT'S WORTH IT YOU DON'T PAY FOR LIKE UPDATES AND YOU NEVER HAVE TO LIKE BUY VIRUS PROTECTION OR ANYTHING IN THE LONG RUN" yet I've never had any severe issues with my PC over the six years I've been using it, nor have I invested any money into it save for a graphics card upgrade and games.)

Although I agree with you on some of what you said in your post, do you realize that your computer can get infected by an asymptomatic polymorphic worm that "zombifies" your computer in order to launch some global-scale DDoS attacks on websites (like, for example, the W32/conficker aka W32.Downadup), malware that most free antiviruses with poor heuristic detection could simply not be able to detect and neutralize until its too late/well known global threat. Heuristic is one of the most important features in antivirus nowadays.

Also, the best OS for simple tasks and net surfing is definitely Linux. Free, fast and stable... No necessity for antivirus and 99% of the time you won't be needing to fuck around with drivers since it will be able to properly use all the hardware in the machine.
For example Puppy Linux is a very good lightweight linux distribution that boots really fast.
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Dec 30, 2009 at 11:09 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
i have one of the older models of imac and its amazing! i use bootcamp for all my gaming needs so the "there are no games for mac" thing dosnt really apply to intel macs. You also get some cool programs with it. Its worth the buy
Last edited by zipil; Dec 30, 2009 at 11:15 PM.
Originally Posted by GenkiSudo View Post
Although I agree with you on some of what you said in your post, do you realize that your computer can get infected by an asymptomatic polymorphic worm that "zombifies" your computer in order to launch some global-scale DDoS attacks on websites (like, for example, the W32/conficker aka W32.Downadup), malware that most free antiviruses with poor heuristic detection could simply not be able to detect and neutralize until its too late/well known global threat. Heuristic is one of the most important features in antivirus nowadays.

These are rare and like all viruses, these 'superviruses' need a path to get through into your computer. Not opening any suspicious emails or links usually prevents against this, unless the virus infects an entire website that you regularly visit, but even then my (FREE) antivirus has great heuristic detection and so I don't think I would be in much trouble. And in case, against all odds, my computer did actually become unusable- I would buy a new PC. Know why? Because the cost of the new PC plus the original cost of my broken one would still probably be less than a Mac of equal performance.

I have never had this happen and probably never will and even if it does happen it still wouldn't justify a Mac's price tag \o/ Plus, as I understand it, these 'superviruses' are among the minority of viruses that can affect a Macintosh; in addition, even regular, low-tier viruses can infect a Mac if you're emulating Windows on there :|
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.