Added a head and lowered the price of existing ones =)

Still there is one more free head offer !
Last edited by Linear; Nov 3, 2009 at 10:19 PM.
For now only the second, i have to wait for cyborgzx to send it to me.

EDIT: Cyborgzx's sistem went down, so the first set was deleted, i cant sell it.

I changed the names of other sets so set2 is now set1 and so on.
Last edited by Linear; Nov 6, 2009 at 03:51 PM.
sorry bobah =( my system went rly down and it got deleted D=

i can do one for you for the same price if you want =)
My friend> I like porn
MY friend> EEEh.. i mean Korn
Who you want to do the head:Cyborgzx as I know what type of heads he does but I'm not really bothered...Anyone...
How much are you willing to pay for it:7-10k
Style (learn to spell style):One of these..I'm not sure...Robotic/tribally/Like the first example that is made by Cyborgzx
Coloursemon and platinum..Remember that Demon is really dark grey! Not complete black..
Tint is sex.
wait do i get the first 2 heads for free? if so then ill pay just 1k for that head that i requested above
Tint is sex.