Got your boom. All I can say for boomhits is to edit edit edit. As you edit, you'll see what bits of tweaking will give you more power/dms/style/etc. Its different for every hit.
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#gynx ironic.rpl (58.1 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by War_Hero; Oct 22, 2009 at 03:35 PM.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post


I have no clue, but Im glad you asked.

Originally Posted by Gynx View Post

Not usually a huge problem, though in games such as wushu these are essential, and I just can't seem to get myself anywhere. In most scenarios, I have been pushed slightly in the opposite direction to my opponent, and try as I might, despite getting myself into various positions where professionals may be able to get back into the game, I just throw myself upwards a little, and gain no ground what-so-ever, or very, very little. Everything up to around frame 400 is what I'm trying to explain. There are various moments in this replay where I feel like I could've shot myself across that mother fucking gap, especially towards the end, but I just can't seem to get a hold of it.

This I know something about, though there are people who know more for sure. For wushu, I have found that it mostly comes down to practice. The more you play the more you know how your Tori will react in any given situation. A big part of it though is momentum, like when you get knocked back, unless you can use it to your advantage by swinging something and reversing it, you want to come as close to a stop as possible. If you are flying back at a high enough speed nothing you do will stop you, but you can slow it down. Its actually harder in the blackbelt and under servers to do a good comebock because you have less time to set it up. Some basic rules for me though are to never extend my knees or hips as my primary way to comeback, you almost always fly backwards unless your foot is slightly tucked under to your knee, and even then a lot of times you just fly straight up.

Another big thing for coming back is that normally simple moves will do it. The less amount of joins you use, the less likely you are to pick that one that will send you flying in direction you DONT want to be going. Many times a simple wrist or elbow extension will give you a good forward momentum.

The next thing is to try and relax a lot. Everyone has a different style of play, but when it comes to comebacks I have found that relaxing all joints give you the most opportunity to get things done. Just be sure and pay attention to your ghost. and if things are looking grim, don't panic about not being able to comeback, when you think about it to much you don't have any useful thoughts, and the game is made less enjoyable, so you end up sucking :P
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by EspnzAlvr View Post
Are you looking for something like this for the pose?

Well, no, and yes. That pose doesn't look very solid to me, seeing as you fall slowly, much as I do, and then ended up jumping anyway.

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
My wushu tutorial has a section for comebacks, if that's of any help.

That helped quite a lot, actually. I studied the replays and I compared what you guys did compared to what I do, the difference is huge, despite only a couple joints being moved.

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Got your boom. All I can say for boomhits is to edit edit edit. As you edit, you'll see what bits of tweaking will give you more power/dms/style/etc. Its different for every hit.

Replay isn't opening for me, could you upload it somewhere else/re-attach it?

Originally Posted by deady View Post
This I know something about, though there are people who know more for sure. For wushu, I have found that it mostly comes down to practice. The more you play the more you know how your Tori will react in any given situation. A big part of it though is momentum, like when you get knocked back, unless you can use it to your advantage by swinging something and reversing it, you want to come as close to a stop as possible. If you are flying back at a high enough speed nothing you do will stop you, but you can slow it down. Its actually harder in the blackbelt and under servers to do a good comebock because you have less time to set it up. Some basic rules for me though are to never extend my knees or hips as my primary way to comeback, you almost always fly backwards unless your foot is slightly tucked under to your knee, and even then a lot of times you just fly straight up.

Another big thing for coming back is that normally simple moves will do it. The less amount of joins you use, the less likely you are to pick that one that will send you flying in direction you DONT want to be going. Many times a simple wrist or elbow extension will give you a good forward momentum.

The next thing is to try and relax a lot. Everyone has a different style of play, but when it comes to comebacks I have found that relaxing all joints give you the most opportunity to get things done. Just be sure and pay attention to your ghost. and if things are looking grim, don't panic about not being able to comeback, when you think about it to much you don't have any useful thoughts, and the game is made less enjoyable, so you end up sucking :P

Thanks, I'll have to play some wushu (bawwww) to see how things go. I'll post the replays here when I'm done, in the meantime, if anyone has anything more they want to contribute, seriously, do it.
collect snots from the nose
comebacks are weird, its all the little stuff, i usually just end up kicking the ground, THINKING its gna work, but just end up spinning on the same place...

the only thing that EVER works for me, is the wrist flick, to push yourself back.

try looking at replays to see how other people do it.
thewolf made a decent dance type replay aaaages ago, were he did this little arm shuffle thing (seriously amazing stuff) with his arms, like running on his hands type thing.

otherwise, try stopping the movement when you want to comeback, and practise getting the running thing or crawl back. The Runners League should have hundreds of replays of people making comebacks by running.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by Gynx View Post
Replay isn't opening for me, could you upload it somewhere else/re-attach it?

Reuploaded. Should work now.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
comebacks are weird, its all the little stuff, i usually just end up kicking the ground, THINKING its gna work, but just end up spinning on the same place...

the only thing that EVER works for me, is the wrist flick, to push yourself back.

try looking at replays to see how other people do it.
thewolf made a decent dance type replay aaaages ago, were he did this little arm shuffle thing (seriously amazing stuff) with his arms, like running on his hands type thing.

otherwise, try stopping the movement when you want to comeback, and practise getting the running thing or crawl back. The Runners League should have hundreds of replays of people making comebacks by running.

I'll have to take a look at the runners league, running is one of those minor gripes I have, and I suppose it links to posing, as you need balance for both.

Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Reuploaded. Should work now.

Looks good, though I always thought to knock both pecs out you had to hit them both at the same time. I've been aiming for the dead centre of the pecs for quite a while now. Any idea where the best places to aim for are? Speeds?
collect snots from the nose
Ill try and help you with the posing section, I took your first potential posing replay and tried to make a sort of decent pose in it. The basics for balancing your tori into a pose ( as i encountered them trough the game ) for me are:

losing speed ( or transforming direction of speed into the exsact pose wanted )
can be done by relaxing allot

and getting grip with your feet ( or hands )
relaxing your feet while contacting the floor

all the rest is allot of editing,
Also Aikido gravity is allot easier to pose in because your weight really gets pushed into the ground so you can hold your bodycontracted and extended on some points and you will not twirl of the ground like a leaf, judo gravity on the other hand requires allot of relaxing the limbs that contact the ground, not moving the arms to much ( or only horizontally ) and bending lumbar to try and get your upper body mass directly on top of your waist in a straight vertical line, when you have the ass spread so that on the ground your feet are just a little wider apart then your "ass = wide" you have the perfect position to pose, only i find that with judo gravity, relaxing shoulders or chest and elbows can really help not only posing your body and balancing it to also add some life to your tori because its still slightly moving.

though i editted your replay in a crappy way ( posing can take a long time to perfect sometimes ) i started with taking the speed out of your twirl by relaxing the shoulder and chest and bend the lumbar wich together makes it so you land face first ( frontal ) wich looks more realistic ( i think ) the second problem was that because of the twirl and the taking the speed out of it, the ground already was closer so i had to pull in the leg that would end up in front so i could catch up with the spin and put it on the ground in front of me to make the spin stop "allmost" completely, with the speed gone and the feet gripping the ground you can focus on the upper body and how you can twitch and turn it without causing you to move to much again or lose your grip, in this case i twisted yur tori's back so it would at least be above the legs and not beside it. It immediatly turn in a difficult pose because im leaning your tori on his right leg carrying allmost all the weight of the torso.

PS: This is not a nice pose, its not perfect at all, i just tried to give some insight and tips wich might help your further, it was in no way to meant to offend your knowledge about the game or anything :P ( just in case you think this description is ludacris )

I have to make diner now but ill try and make a nicer pose wich will maybe give you some insight*

Edit: i just realized i have a good pose replay, in wich you can see that speed slowly leaving the limbs and the counter balance of limb weight. Hope some of this helped.
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squiz the way of the ninja.rpl (57.5 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Squiziph; Oct 22, 2009 at 05:12 PM.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"