Originally Posted by Hawkinz View Post
Nice work mate, good to see there is another free spinny head shop up and running!


Originally Posted by suomynona
If getting stickied is anything like becoming a mod, asking for it to be stickied tends to be the first step away from it getting stickied...

Think about that
Originally Posted by mrkid View Post
hiding when you get to it can i plz have a slow spinning head same desighn as my avatar plzzz?

So you want me to make the head as well as make it spin? Okay I will do it since we are buds. If you want to pay me for the head, that's great, but if not that is fine too. It will probably take me a while because I have not been doing it long. I can do it, it will just take me longer. ;) I will get to work on it now.


Don't worry about payment it ended up only taking like a half an hour. Is that a good speed and direction? It's no trouble whatsoever to change it.

EDIT 2: Crap I just realized all you wanted was a copy and paste of your avvy. oops lol. Well here it is, is it a good direction and speed? no trouble to change.

Jesus lol what did you DO?? I had to anchor 3 empty layers, then I had to seperate the different parts into 3 sperate layers, then I had to resize the whole image, then I had to rescale the letters and trident-type-thing. All that just so it would let me put the spinning globe animation. lol did you make this in paint? (although even that shouldn't have caused this lol) Don't worry though it didn't take long I just had to explore for a bit to figure out what to do.

give it the transparent background then send it to you. Also would you like me to make the words wrap all the way around the image?

P.S. since I already made that other head you can have it with this head if you want it.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Aug 23, 2007 at 05:13 PM.
I could use a spinny head as an avatar.

Could you make me one, medium speed? The head tga comes with toribash.

I'll pay if needed.
"Well, nevermind. We are ugly, but we have the music." -Leonard Cohen



You can pay or don't, as you want.
Last edited by xplodr; Sep 8, 2007 at 03:10 PM.
could you make me one I know i have one but yours look better =) if you can i would like it to be medium speed the heads look really cool