Okay, my FAVORITE is Pa360uHuk's first one with all the red blood cells. BEST. It would look good as a link. Drakhir's is right up there with it though, and honestly, would look better as a team logo. And I also REALLY like Sano's mini-logo is AWESOME. And as for Thearael's logo, it's really good and simplistic. Very tasteful. But I think the font could stand to be changed.
I think there's still a few who haven't told about their opinions...
We want votes, so that the participants won't be grumpy to us

But I can still see that either Thearael or Sano is the winner...
The post where I judged their works, there the links have failed...
Did you take the links from the first post?
I clicked the links from the first post, and they worked.