Virgo Horoscope

Dear Virgo, things may be a bit confusing today, but clear skies in your future should lift these clouds of confusion. Be patient and wait it out, today's confusion can easily be straightened out by the right answers tomorrow. Time usually answers the questions we can't.
Not smile2 :D
Sorry to kill the fun but I think this should be closed and buried.

You really got to listen.

I can only do so much but it all comes down to you guys. You guys make the choice.
Bored of this....
Want to join GATA?
just because smile says so that counts for every diaf member
i still realy like you
and i totally don't understand smile's way of thinking
but i can't force her to not think
sorry for that
but pls don't take smile's point of view as the onee of every diaf member
that would be unfair

@smile: capn is right
this thread is senceless
but it seems the people like it
so i will watch it a bit
if it get's to spammy i will close it
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S

Dear Taurus, you should forget all financial concerns today and focus in on those you love. If you constantly are focused on money, one day you'll look back and all you will see is paper. We all need to work, but use wisely those days that work is futile.
Not smile2 :D