Endurance Onslaught 6.0
DIAF died when Ard, Cap'n and I left. It doesn't help MYI is inactive. You guys better do something fast.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)
Originally Posted by B0sS View Post
DIAF died when Ard, Cap'n and I left. It doesn't help MYI is inactive. You guys better do something fast.

LOL boss
you werent even that well known
so i'd have to say u were pretty much a nobody
hmm yeah
lol aw but DIAF is not dieing !!
some random joined my servor and he was all like
"man i wish i was in DIAF"
and i was like
"yes little one but soon you shall be a black belt and then u may apply forr this very prestigious clan"
and he is like
"yes sir i will !! ,, Just as sure as the sun will rise tomorow"
and the i rusled his hair. and then realising that i was still in a battle and was flying toward this little boy i tryed to abbort for octagonal trisquare flip kick. but it was to late.
the side of my foot connected with the side of his head. knocking it clean offf
"sir my head ...."
"ahh bout that" *shifty eyes*
"i though we had somthing beautiful"
"I am sorry but i kept from u all these years......*looks at ground* that i am marryed"
"i should have told you i know .... but i wanted to be with yuou so much"
"but now you are dieing and i now know that i dont love you"
"but sir"
"I LOVED YOU!!!! AAAAHHHHHH *kickes the little boys head away*
"BUT SIR ..... IIiii aaaammm aaaa ttttwwwwwiiinnN!!!!"
"oh shit"
story of my life *tear runns down my cheek*

and thats how diaf will survive for ever!!!
Last edited by iceman21; Jul 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM.
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....