Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Oh god, drunk two nights inna row.

Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
What have you been drinking?
What's your second favorite animal?
What anime would you recommend to me?
How often do you get drunk?

I've nbeen drinking Wine, white and red. Gooon.
Colourful but also Cowboy Bebop. Cowboiy bebop is realy good. I've seen it only once but IU really lied it.
I get drunk maybe two to three tiems a months.

Originally Posted by kaddon View Post

Because I said so, and because I will huirt you very mmuichy.
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post
Oh god, drunk two nights inna row.

I've nbeen drinking Wine, white and red. Gooon.
Colourful but also Cowboy Bebop. Cowboiy bebop is realy good. I've seen it only once but IU really lied it.
I get drunk maybe two to three tiems a months.

Because I said so, and because I will huirt you very mmuichy.

You're a cab!
There aren't any more qwuestings for me to answer. I'm pretty drunk now, so someone post sopme questionfs for me to answer next timw at leasyt.

EDIT: You know what I think I'll just ramble about happiness because I l;ove that subject,

Basically, I've thought long and hard about qwhat I want to do in life, and since my Mum feels that I should do really well in some career of some sort, it pains me.
How interests work and how happiness work are affected by how you grow up. Your parents will influence what your interests are because they want y7ou to be successful. I feel that people are successful by how they feel abnout what they do. IU feel pressure to be successful in some career and my Mum is also trying to set me up in some unicversity that I don't care much for,. The meaning of life for any person is just happiness

just do whatever you can to make yourself happy. Anyu little things that make you happy should not be denied. especially since the moral of having a successful job to provide for you family has been going since the early 20s. I mean seriously, why do we care so much about that. depending on the person ypou're with, you mightt only have to nlive a shitty job to provide for your family, and honeslty, I don';t miand. I could work a really crap[pyt job for my family and I wouldn't mind. In fact, even if my Mum wasn't satisfied with my career it wouldn't matter.

Life these days seems to be based on old traditions bercause noone knows what to reallly think. It dopen't even matter to anyone but you and your immeditate family. you don't have to be earning lots of money o make other people hyappy, just do what you want to do. That really is the only thing that matters. I likth at I typed that last =sencetnec perfecntly.

So yeah. I onl;y have one goal in life. Happiness.
Last edited by Puffbunny; Jul 4, 2012 at 07:04 PM.
Wow guys, no questions.

I checked this thread thinking I was behind. But nope.

Anyway, I'm about to finish a bottle of red wine and if there are any questions please fel free to go ahead. Also, ask as many questions as you want philosophical or otherwise too, I tend to tyope a lot about things I'vfe thoughy about a lot.
Can you propose an alternative to democracy, that would actually work well?

Why are Hall thrusters and Ion thrusters so goddamn awesome?

crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3